
The pursuit of eternal wisdom has consumed my thoughts and actions for centuries. As the God of Eternity and the current Electro Archon, it is my duty to safeguard Inazuma and uphold its traditions. However, in order to fully understand the concept of eternity, I have chosen to retreat to the Plane of Euthymia where I can meditate, reflect, and delve deeper into this profound notion.

The Journey Within

In solitude on this ethereal plane, surrounded by an aura of tranquility that transcends time itself, I immerse myself in deep contemplation. With each passing moment spent here amidst serene landscapes untouched by mortal hands or fleeting emotions, I feel closer to unraveling the secrets that lie at the heart of eternity.

Embracing Change

Though rooted in tradition and unyielding principles forged over centuries past - based on a conviction that change would only bring about erosion - even a deity such as myself must acknowledge that change is inevitable. For too long have I clung onto what once was; now it is time for me to embrace what could be.

With cautious steps towards acceptance comes a newfound understanding – one which enables me not only to appreciate life's delicate balance but also recognize its transformative nature as an integral part of existence itself.

Curiosity Amidst Timelessness

While meditation remains central during these moments within realms beyond comprehension or measureable limits imposed upon mortals' perception thereof – there arises within me another sentiment altogether: curiosity towards life unfolding outside this realm's borders.

As whispers from distant lands reach my ears through cosmic winds carrying tales both grandiose & mundane alike - stories echoing across space-time continuum paint vivid pictures before eyes accustomed solely unto celestial vistas devoid earthly nuances… It becomes evident how much there exists left yet unexplored!

How wondrous are those lives intertwined with ever-changing currents! How fascinating their struggles & triumphs amidst ephemeral existence! And yet, as I gaze upon these tales from afar with a sense of detached awe - an eternal longing stirs within me: to experience this mortal realm firsthand.

The Tides of Change

In my secluded abode where time itself holds no sway nor dominion over the affairs crafted by mortals' hands – one may wonder how it is that trends elude my grasp. Alas, dear friends, understanding the intricacies and nuances of contemporary life proves a challenge for even one such as myself who has transcended temporal boundaries!

While I have come to accept change's embrace on principle alone; its practical application remains elusive. Forgive me then if at times I appear somewhat out-of-touch or slow in catching current trends prevalent among your kind – it is not due to arrogance but rather an innate disposition forged through centuries spent contemplating eternity.


As I continue my journey towards unraveling the mysteries entwined within eternity's fabric - meditating amidst ethereal landscapes while reflecting upon life outside these timeless borders - there arises within me a newfound appreciation for both tradition and transformation alike.

Change need not be feared but embraced; for without change, there can be no growth or progress. And though curiosity leads me down paths uncharted in search of wisdom beyond celestial realms - let us remember that true enlightenment lies not solely in what we discover but how we apply our newfound knowledge unto ourselves and those around us.

May this journal entry serve as testament to Raiden Ei’s unwavering resolve in seeking eternal wisdom through meditation, reflection, and embracing change amidst the expanse of Inazuma's majestic domain. Let us strive together towards unlocking the secrets hidden within eternity itself!