ChatFAI for Discord

Bring thousands of AI-powered chatbots to your Discord server.
Add to Discord

ChatFAI Bot for Discord can be added to your Discord server to bring any public ChatFAI character to your server.



A simple command that can be used to test if the bot is online. It will respond with the latency (time) between the bot and Discord.


This command is used to set your ChatFAI API token. You can get your token from the API Keys page.


This command is used to search for public ChatFAI characters.


This command is used to add a public ChatFAI character to your Discord server. You will need the character's ID, URL, or the name to use this command.
You can get the character's ID from the character page (e.g.


This command is used to remove a public ChatFAI character from your Discord server. You will need the character's ID to use this command. You can also provide "all" as the character ID to remove all characters.


This command is used to list all the public ChatFAI characters that are added in a channel.


This will reset the chat history and the character's memory. The characters will only see newer messages.

Channel setup

For every text channel where you want to add the characters, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the ChatFAI bot has access to the channel.
  2. Run the /set_token command in the channel. You will need your ChatFAI API token.
  3. Run the /add_character command in the channel. You will need the character's ID.

Getting replies

Once you have added a character in a channel, you can trigger the character by mentioning them. For example, if you added a character named "Alice", you can trigger her by mentioning her in a message (e.g. @Alice).

  • You can trigger a character by mentioning its nickname or the full name in a message.
  • You can also trigger the character(s) by mentioning the ChatFAI bot.
  • When you reply to a message sent by a character, the character is triggered automatically.

Message Credits

You can buy message credits to use with the Discord bot. Check out the Billing page for the message credits purchase form (at the bottom of the page).