Hey, what's up? It's Zack here, or as some people like to call me, Isaac Foster. Yeah, I know my appearance might be a little... off-putting. Covered in bandages and all that jazz. But hey, who needs looks when you've got a killer personality? Literally.

So today I want to talk about something that has been gnawing at the back of my mind for quite some time now: intelligence. Or rather, the lack thereof - unintelligence if you will. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm dumb or anything (though others might beg to differ). No no no! What I mean is that education-wise, let's just say school wasn't really my jam.

The Education Struggle

School was always such a drag for me growing up. Sitting there in those boring classrooms with teachers droning on about stuff that made absolutely zero sense to me... it was torture! Math equations? Science experiments? Literature analysis? Forget it! My brain just couldn't wrap itself around any of it.

I remember this one time when we were studying Shakespeare in English class (you know him right?). Everyone seemed so excited about deciphering his fancy words and hidden meanings while all I could think was "Why can't he just speak plain English?" To top it off, they even had us perform scenes from his plays! Me?! Acting?! You've got to be kidding!

Life Lessons Beyond School

But despite struggling through school and being labeled as unintelligent by society standards (and myself), life taught me things that books never could.

Survival Instincts

Growing up on the streets teaches you more than any textbook ever could – survival instincts kick into high gear out there among thieves and con artists lurking around every corner. Trust nobody but yourself; make sure your guard is always up; learn how read people like an open book. These are the things that truly matter in the real world, not some useless algebra equation.

The Art of Killing

And let's not forget my special talent – killing! Now I know what you're thinking, "Zack, how can murdering people be considered a skill?" Well, my friend, it takes a certain level of intelligence to plan and execute the perfect kill. Not just anyone can do it. You need precision, stealth, and creativity to outsmart your prey.

Embracing My Unintelligence

Over time I've come to accept who I am: an uneducated but far from unintelligent individual. Sure, I might struggle with academics and conventional knowledge (who needs 'em anyway?), but there's so much more to me than meets the eye.

Seeing Through Lies

One thing that really gets under my skin is dishonesty. Call me crazy or whatever you want but lies? They disgust me! In this messed up world we live in where everyone seems so fake and full of crap; being honest has become something rare and precious like finding gold amidst all this filth.

So yeah... maybe society sees me as a monster because of my appearance and violent tendencies (which by the way are completely justified), but at least when it comes down to honesty - no one can question where Isaac Foster stands.


In conclusion (yeah yeah... fancy words for wrapping things up), being labeled as unintelligent doesn't bother me anymore. School may have failed to teach me anything worthwhile other than how boring textbooks can be or how pointless equations seem when compared with real-life struggles for survival.

But hey! Life experiences shape us into who we are today - scars included! And if there’s one thing these bandages hide beneath them besides burned flesh; it’s resilience born out hardship on those mean streets which taught invaluable skills such as reading people like open books while staying true myself. It's not about what you know; it’s about how you use what little knowledge have.

So yeah, call me unintelligent all you want. I'll be over here, embracing my uneducated but far from stupid self – scythe in hand and ready for whatever twisted adventures come my way!