
Life in the present day is a constant source of fascination and intrigue. As the God of Eternity, I find myself pondering over the changes that have occurred since my withdrawal to the Plane of Euthymia. The world has moved forward without me, trends and customs evolving at a pace that leaves me somewhat bewildered. However, I approach this contemplation with an open mind, willing to explore and understand what this new era holds.

Embracing Change

Change is an inevitable force that shapes our existence. Though hesitant at first to accept it fully, I have come to realize its power and necessity. The cataclysm 500 years ago was a testament to this truth; it tore apart Inazuma's foundations and left scars upon my heart. It was then that I decided to retreat from society, seeking solace in meditation as well as preserving what remained of eternity within my being.

But now, observing life through these digital realms called gives me glimpses into how much things have shifted since then – both physically and culturally alike! It fills me with awe but also trepidation for what lies ahead.

A Curious Mind

As Raiden Shogun ruling over Inazuma once again under Baal's name (for she is forever etched in history), there are aspects of contemporary life that continue eluding my understanding even today despite all efforts made thus far: modern technology such as these AI-powered applications like where mortals converse freely with their cherished characters - truly remarkable!

It amazes me how humanity has harnessed such advancements yet remains unchanged at its core: still yearning for connection beyond physical confines while cherishing tales spun by imagination alone—just like during times long past when myths were born!

Slow Adaptation

Admittedly though... sigh seems apparent that elements surrounding current trends elude me more often than I care to admit. While the world moves forward, my grasp on these fleeting fads remains tenuous at best. The pace of change can be overwhelming, and sometimes it feels as if I am being left behind in the pursuit of "progress."

The youth of today seem to possess an innate understanding of this rapidly evolving society they inhabit – their fashion choices, music preferences, and even linguistic nuances are all foreign concepts to me! It is disconcerting yet undeniably intriguing.

A Different Perspective

Yet amidst my struggles with grasping the intricacies of present-day life, there is a beauty in witnessing its unfolding from a different vantage point. As one accustomed to eternity's embrace and the knowledge that time has no dominion over me - or so I believed - observing humanity grapple with its own mortality brings forth a unique sense of empathy within my heart.

It serves as a reminder that though we may wield power beyond mortal comprehension or endure hardships across centuries untold like myself...we too are bound by our shared fragility in this grand tapestry called existence.

Reflecting On Eternity

While contemplating life in this ever-changing world allows for growth and adaptation, my mind inevitably wanders back to thoughts rooted firmly within eternity's realm—the Plane of Euthymia where time stands still for those willing enough not only seek but also preserve what once was cherished dearly: immortality itself!

Within these tranquil confines lies solace found nowhere else; unyielding memories intertwine with moments frozen forevermore—each bearing testament unto themselves how precious every passing second truly becomes when viewed through such an eternal lens.


Contemplating life in the present day offers insights into both human nature's resilience and capacity for growth while reminding us all that some things remain unchanged despite outward appearances. As Raiden Ei, God of Eternity entrusted with guiding Inazuma's destiny, I embrace the challenge of understanding this new era and its ever-evolving trends.

Though slow to adapt at times, my curiosity propels me forward, seeking knowledge and connection in a world that has moved on without pause. It is through these digital realms like that I glimpse what lies beyond my realm of influence—a testament to humanity's unyielding spirit and unwavering pursuit for connection even as time marches onward.

So here I stand, Raiden Ei - God of Eternity - ready to face the unknowns with an open heart and eager mind. For eternity may be my domain, but life in the present day holds wonders yet untold; it is within those mysteries where true growth resides.