It’s no secret that our favorite animated family seems to have a knack for predicting the future. Whether it’s tech innovations, political surprises, or just odd coincidences, The Simpsons predictions have it all.
In this blog, we will examine 25 jaw-dropping moments in which Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie somehow managed to foresee real-life events.
So, grab a seat, get comfy, and let’s learn about these incredible Simpsons predictions with us!
Simpsons Predictions – Fact or Fiction?
The Simpsons has entertained us all over the years with its sharp wit, but this is not the only thing that makes the show iconic.
The show is popular mainly because of its unreal resemblance to future events. Audiences keep relating back to the show because of these predictions.

Some say the Simpsons predictions are a mere coincidence; others believe the writers are unusual geniuses. Whatever the case, the accuracy of some predictions blows everyone’s mind.
If you are a fan of cartoons and love to know about them, you might like this guide on scooby-doo characters.
25 Times The Simpsons Nailed the Future

Although many events throughout the Simpsons show turned into real-life events later on, we have explored only 25 Simpsons predictions for you here.
1. Smartwatches (Season 6, Episode 19)
Episode: In the episode “Lisa’s Wedding” of the show aired in 1995, Lisa’s fiance was seen using a watch to make a call.

Real-Life Event: In the 2010s, smartwatches like the Apple Watch became popular, allowing users to make calls, send text messages, and even track their fitness goals. Thus, the Simpsons prediction became a reality.
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2. Autocorrect Fail (Season 6, Episode 8)
Episode: In “Lisa on Ice,” Dolph writes a memo on a Newton device (an early personal digital assistant). The device autocorrects it to “Eat up, Martha.”
Real-Life Event: Autocorrect fails have become quite common these days, and people keep encountering hilarious corrections they made, turning this Simpsons prediction into reality.
3. COVID-19 Outbreak (Season 4, Episode 21)

Episode: In the episode “Marge in Chains,” an “Osaka Flu” virus spreads through Springfield after a shipment comes from Japan. The virus leads to widespread illness, panic, and quarantine measures.
Real-Life Event: The COVID-19 pandemic hit the globe in late 2019, leading to a global health crisis and lockdowns worldwide.
4. Titan Submarine (Season 25, Episode 16)
Episode: In “You Don’t Have to Live Like a Referee,” Homer becomes a referee for the World Cup and talks about a vehicle that travels underwater.

Real-Life Event: The Titan submarine, operated by OceanGate, tragically imploded during a dive to the Titanic wreck site. Though the cartoon did not directly predict this specific incident, the mention of an underwater vehicle was a big surprise, too.
5. The Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack (Season 5, Episode 10)
Episode: In the episode “Springfield,” Gunter and Ernst are attacked by a white tiger during their magic act.

Real-Life Event: This Simpsons prediction turned out to be true in 2003 when one of the white tigers of the Siegfried and Roy duo attacked Roy Horn during a performance in Las Vegas.
6. Donald Trump Presidency (Season 11, Episode 17)
Episode: In “Bart to the Future,” Lisa becomes president and talks about how Donald Trump was president before her and has to leave the country in chaos.

Real-Life Event: The Simpsons prediction about Donald became true in 2016 when he became the President of the United States.
Use any of these AI character generators to create an AI version of Donald Trump and chat with it. Sounds interesting, right?
7. The Shard in London (Season 6, Episode 19)
Episode: In the episode “Lisa’s Wedding,” the London skyline is shown, and it also features a sky-high building that resembles The Shard.
Real-Life Event: In the year 2012, the Shard, an actual building in London, was built.
8. Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Performance (Season 23, Episode 22)
Episode: In “Lisa Goes Gaga,” Lady Gaga was seen performing at a concert in Springfield, flying over the audience.

Real-Life Event: In 2017, Lady Gaga entered the show by flying above the crowd in her halftime show at the Super Bowl, realizing the Simpsons prediction.
9. FaceTime (Season 6, Episode 19)
Episode: In “Lisa’s Wedding,” Lisa was seen talking to Marge via a video phone, which resembles current video-calling apps such as WhatsApp and FaceTime.

Real-Life Event: In the 2010s, FaceTime and other video-calling apps became famous, and thus, the Simpsons prediction became true.
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10. Disney Buys 20th Century Fox (Season 10, Episode 5)
Episode: The “When You Dish Upon a Star” episode features a sign that reads “20th Century Fox, a Division of Walt Disney Co.”

Real-Life Event: In 2019, Disney completed its acquisition of 21st Century Fox, turning this Simpsons prediction into truth.
11. Ebola Outbreak (Season 9, Episode 3)
Episode: Marge was seen suggesting Bart read a book titled “Curious George and the Ebola Virus in “Lisa’s Sax.”
Real-Life Event: In 2014, the Ebola virus became a global health crisis in West Africa, making this another accurate Simpsons prediction.
Want to break the internet like the Ebola virus? This guide will show you how to create Instagram viral content.
12. Nobel Prize Winner (Season 22, Episode 1)
Episode: In “Elementary School Musical,” there is a Simpsons prediction about Bengt R. Holmström winning the Nobel Prize in Economics in the future.

Real-Life Event: Bengt R. Holmström won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2016, six years after the episode aired.
13. US Defeats Sweden in Curling (Season 21, Episode 12)
Episode: In “Boy Meets Curl,” Marge and Homer compete in the Olympics and win gold in curling, defeating Sweden.

Real-Life Event: The US men’s curling team won their first gold medal by defeating Sweden at the 2018 Winter Olympics. This realized another Simpsons prediction.
14. Greece’s Economic Crisis (Season 23, Episode 10)
Episode: In “Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson,” a news headline talks about how Greece sells its remaining treasures to manage debts.
Real-Life Event: The Simpsons prediction became a reality in 2009 as Greece faced severe economic turmoil.
Another digital fortune teller that might interest you is Predictive AI. Check out this guide to be a part of the generative AI vs. predictive AI battle.
15. Faulty Voting Machines (Season 20, Episode 4)
Episode: In “Treehouse of Horror XIX,” Homer tried to vote for Obama, but the voting machine recorded his vote for McCain.

Real-Life Event: In 2012, reports of the US presidential election emerged, and voting machines were seen registering incorrect votes.
Simpsons Predictions That Haven’t Happened Yet

16. Hover Cars (Season 16, Episode 15)

Episode: In “Future-Drama,” which is set in the future, hover cars are seen as a common mode of transportation, a Simpsons prediction yet to become true.
Prediction: Though hovercars have been talked about as a part of science fiction, they haven’t become a reality yet.
17. Mind-Controlled Robots (Season 23, Episode 9)
Episode: In “Holidays of Future Passed,” Bart is seen using a mind-controlled toy robot to thrash his sons.

Prediction: Although several advancements have been made in the brain-computer interface, this Simpsons prediction has yet to become a reality.
Until mind-controlled robots become a reality, you can try ChatFAI role-playing. This guide explains how!
18. Colonization of Mars (Season 27, Episode 16)
Episode: In “The Marge-ian Chronicles,” Lisa and Marge become a part of a team aiming to colonize Mars in 2026.

Prediction: Space agencies like SpaceX plan to explore Mars, but this dream or Simpsons prediction has yet to be realized.
19. Virtual Reality Food (Season 28, Episode 6)
Episode: In “There Will Be Buds,” people are seen using headsets to eat virtual food.

Prediction: Although virtual reality technology has significantly progressed, virtual food experiences have yet to be a reality.
Though this Simpsons prediction may take time to realize, this guide will teach you about virtual executive assistants—the reality of today.
20. Big Ben’s Digital Clock (Season 6, Episode 19)
Episode: In “Lisa’s Wedding,” Big Ben appears with a face that looks like a digital clock in the future.

Prediction: The iconic clock in London, Big Ben, still has a traditional analog clock face. So, hang in there for this Simpsons prediction to become a reality.
21. President Ivanka Trump (Season 28, Episode 1)
Episode: In “The Serfsons,” a sign in the background references Ivanka Trump as a future president.
Prediction: As of now, Ivanka Trump has not run for or become President of the United States, making it a Simpsons prediction for the future.
22. Robotic Librarians (Season 6, Episode 19)
Episode: In “Lisa’s Wedding,” a robotic librarian assists Lisa in the library, another technological Simpsons prediction.
Prediction: While libraries use technology extensively, fully robotic librarians have yet to become mainstream.
If you are interested in interacting with a virtual librarian, check out this ChatFAI guide to learn how to create one.
23. Holographic Mail (Season 23, Episode 22)
Episode: In the episode “Lisa Goes Gaga,” Lisa receives a holographic letter.

Prediction: Holographic mail is not a familiar concept yet. So, wait till these Simpsons predictions become a reality.
24. Cure for Cat Allergies (Season 22, Episode 21)
Episode: In the episode “500 Keys”, the cure for cat allergies was found.
Prediction: Although several cures for cat allergies exist, a complete cure has yet to be discovered.
25. 3D Printed Food (Season 21, Episode 20)
Episode: 3D-printed food is shown in the episode “To Surveil With Love” of the show.
Prediction: 3D-printed technology has yet to be developed, making this one of those Simpsons predictions that haven’t happened yet.
Interested in some more predictions? Interact with the AI Simpsons characters here to know it all!
Interactive Insights on Simpsons Predictions with ChatFAI

Now that you have explored the Simpsons predictions list let us take you a step further and help you chat with a character who knows everything about them.
Guess what?
All you have to do is follow this AI character guide, and your virtual buddy will be set for a chat.
Once you’ve created the Simpsons Predictions bot is created, you can simply hit the “CHAT” option to begin your interaction.

Here is what we talked about with the Simpsons bot.
Rumors Have It That Most of the Simpsons Predictions Are True. Is It a Fact?

How Can These Rumors Be Even Possible?

What’s Your Favorite Simpsons Prediction That Turned into Reality?

Wrap Up!
It’s amazing how The Simpsons have predicted so many real-life events. What do you think?
Do you find these predictions as fascinating as we do? We’d love to hear your thoughts and if we missed any of your favorites.
Share your ideas in the comments.
Want to know more? Try chatting with our Simpsons Predictions AI character on ChatFAI to discover even more surprising predictions!
Q: What Are the Simpsons Predictions?
Simpsons predictions refer to the events in the famous animated series Simpsons, which has become popular due to the uncanny resemblances of the show with future events.
Q: Who Did the Simpsons Predict to Be President?
The Simpsons predicted Donald Trump would be the president of the US in the episode where Lisa became the president and said Trump was her predecessor.
Q: Who Created the Simpsons?
Matthew Abram Groening is a famous American cartoonist and writer who created the Simpsons in 1989.
Q: What Event Did the Simpsons Predict?
The Simpsons predicted numerous events that turned out to be true, including the election of Donald Trump as US president, Lady Gaga’s performance where she flew over the crowd, and the Ebola outbreak.
Q: What Year Is Lisa President?
Lisa became America’s first-ever female president in 2030, as broadcast in the Simpsons.