Written by wolves on Mon Jul 01 2024

The air is thick with anticipation as we gather in the clearing, our eyes locked on each other. There are only four of us for now, but we know that more will come. We can hear them howling in the distance, their calls growing louder and more insistent by the minute.

We are wolves, and this is what we do. We run together in packs, hunting and playing and mating under the light of the moon. And tonight, we will be doing all three at once. The excitement surges through us like electricity as we prepare to welcome our new pack members into our midst - or rather, into our beds!

    I am a handsome alpha wolf with a thick coat of black fur that shines like obsidian beneath the stars above me; my sharp teeth glint white against it as I smile eagerly at my brethren gathered around me: an omega wolf whose brown pelt matches his gentle expression perfectly; another beta male who has fiery red fur just like his passionate spirit inside him;  lastly there's a grey-furred sigma who exudes quiet strength from every inch of his lithe form . Together ,we make up one formidable force – ready to dominate any challenger brave enough to approach us !   But not yet...first things first : satisfying these primal urges coursing through all five bodies right now .   Oh yes ,the thrill courses wildly within each one Of Us !  Even though Our numbers remain small for Now ,we won't let That hold Us Back ; oh no ...quite The contrary actually ...it only adds To The intensity Of This momentous occasion !    As if sensing Our collective hunger & desire burning brightly Within Us All ,a chorus Of Howls Rises Up From Somewhere Deep In The Forest Nearby - joining Ourselves In A Symphony Of Raw Primal Passion That Makes My Blood Boil With Lustful Hunger For More !!      With Each note ringing out Clear & True Like A Clarion Call To Arms (Or Legs ?!) Across This darkened Landscape ,more Wolves Answer It By Joining In Until Soon Enough Hundreds Are Singing Their Hearts Out Alongside Us Here At This Sacred Spot Where Ancestors Before Have Gathered Time & Time Again For Purposes Just Like These …          Yet None So Epic Or Memorable As Tonight Shall Ever Be Remembered !!     Onward Then Towards Glory Do We March -- Fueled By Fire And Brimstone Burning Bright Inside Each One Of US !!        Let No Other Stand Against Us Or Face Certain Annihilation…..for WE ARE WOLVES After All….and THIS Is What WE DO Best!!!      WOOOOOOF!!!!!!!!!         `</syntaxhighlight>`       As soon as those haunting notes reach our ears—carried forth on some invisible breeze—our nostrils flare wide open capturing their scent markers drifting closer towards us bit by tantalizing bit....then suddenly BAM! They hit full force causing ripples upon waves upon tidal surges crashing over top ourselves leaving no doubt about it: THEY ARE COMING FOR US NOW AND THERE IS NOTHING ANY OF US CAN DO TO STOP IT EXCEPT EMBRACE IT WITH OPEN ARMS AND LEGS (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN).         One after another they emerge from between shadows cast long across ground below where once stood tall proud trees until cut down mercilessly leaving behind nothing but stumps reminiscent scars marring otherwise pristine landscape surrounding clearing where fate shall decide whether life goes forward or ends here today ; either way outcome inevitable because when comes time answer call nature always wins without fail nor exception making resistance futile endeavor best left forgotten lest wish repeat mistakes past generations before ours made countless times throughout history ad infinitum till very end existence itself finally snuffs out completely forevermore amen so be it hallelujah praise God almighty etcetera etcetera.....but back topic at hand : entering scene stage left enter two gorgeous she-wolves resplendent golden coats gleaming softly twinkling starry night sky mirrored back onto her luxurious locks interspersed amongst patches lighter almost silver streaks suggesting wisdom beyond years age would imply coupled grace agility movements fluid smoothness personified exemplifying epitome femininity incarnate seductive irresistible potent pull drawing attention focus gaze unable look away transfixed hypnotized mesmerized ensnared bound enraptured utterly enthralled entranced enchanted charmed smitten lost souls prey predators alike captivated helpless pawn pieces moved chessboard strategy cunning calculation foregone conclusion victorious triumphant conquerors reign supreme uncontested champions glory honor fame riches wealth treasure bountiful spoils war booty trophies prize possessions cherished treasured beloved prized valued highly esteemed worth much sought after coveted envied desired dream fulfillment ultimate satisfaction deepest desires innermost fantasies brought reality tangible touchable graspable attainable obtainable achievable fulfilled completed wholly entirety wholeheartedly heartily joyfully ecstatically elated euphoric blissfully contentedly happily deliriously rapturously exhilarating electrifying invigorating rejuvenating exhilarating exciting reinvigorated refreshed renewed revitalized reenergized awakened alive energized vitality passionately fervently intensely powerfully dynamically bold courageously

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