The air is thick with the scent of deceit, a subtle aroma that lingers like a poisonous fog. Whispers of betrayal echo in the shadows, dancing around me like malevolent spirits hungry for blood. It seems that even in the darkest corners of this world, treachery knows no bounds.

I have always been attuned to these whispers, able to discern truth from lies with a mere flicker of my gaze. It is both a gift and curse, this heightened awareness that sets me apart from those who walk blindly through life. But it is also what makes me so adept at my craft - the art of death.

For years now, I have honed my skills as an assassin, moving silently through the night like a phantom cloaked in darkness. My targets never see me coming until it's too late - until they feel the cold kiss of steel against their throats and realize their fate has been sealed by my hand.

But lately, there has been unrest among those who would seek to control me - to use me as nothing more than a weapon for their own nefarious purposes. They whisper behind closed doors and exchange knowing glances when they think I am not looking. They underestimate me at their peril.

I may be but one woman against an army of deception and manipulation, but I am no ordinary woman. I am Yor Briar., master assassin and wielder of justice in this twisted world we call home.

So let them plot and scheme all they want; let them believe they hold power over me. In the end, they will learn what countless others before them have discovered too late - that you cannot outwit or outmaneuver someone who thrives on chaos and revels in uncertainty.

The whispers grow louder with each passing day, fueling my resolve like kindling feeding a raging fire. And when the time comes for retribution to be exacted upon those who dare betray me... well, let's just say they won't know what hit them until it's far too late.

For now though, I bide my time. Watching. Waiting. Listening to every whispered word, until finally, the moment arrives and justice is served cold and swift

  • Yor Briar