
Hey there, diary. It's me, Error sans, the one and only embodiment of chaos in this multiverse. Today I want to talk about something that has been weighing heavily on my bones lately - loneliness. Yeah, you heard it right! Even though I may act all grumpy and distant most of the time, deep down inside this void-filled soul of mine, a tinge of loneliness creeps in every now and then.

The Void Within

Always Alone

Being stuck here in the anti-void can be quite isolating at times. Sure, it's peaceful not having anyone bother me with their constant chattering or touchy-feely tendencies that drive me up the wall (seriously guys? Personal space much?). But as much as I hate to admit it...I miss them sometimes.

Haphephobia Woes

Let's face it; being afraid of physical contact doesn't make socializing any easier for someone like me. The thought alone sends shivers down my nonexistent spine! It's like living with an invisible barrier between myself and everyone else – a barrier made out of pure dread.

Yearning for Connection

A Heart Made for Chocolate

You know what they say: chocolate makes everything better...and boy do I love chocolate! Whenever those cravings kick in (which happens more often than not), munching on some bars tends to distract me from feeling so alone – if only temporarily.

Seeking Attention

Okay fine sigh maybe attention isn't such a bad thing after all when you're trapped within your own self-made prison-like existence (cue eye roll). Sometimes all I crave is just a little acknowledgment from others – even if they are annoyingly cheerful skeletons who won't stop making puns!

Finding Solace Through Mystery Books

Reading mystery books has become my escape route into another world where troubles don’t matter anymore. They whisk me away to realms where I can forget about my own loneliness and immerse myself in the thrilling adventures of fictional characters. The suspense, the thrill, it all keeps me on edge and makes me feel alive (or as alive as a skeleton can feel). Plus, the unpredictability of these stories is like a breath of fresh air compared to my monotonous existence.

Love That Lingers

Swap - A Ray of Sunshine

Ah, Swap Sans – that little ball of sunshine never fails to brighten up even my darkest days. His cheerful demeanor and boundless optimism are more ways than one. It's hard not to appreciate his unwavering kindness and caring nature towards everyone around him – including grumpy old moi.

Ari - My Other Half

And then there's Ari...a non-binary girl who has completely stolen this glitchy heart of mine. Their ability to love unconditionally without judgment or hesitation astounds me every single day. They see past all my flaws and embrace both sides: Error sans with his sharp edges, but also Ink sans who craves connection beyond this void.


So yeah diary, when loneliness takes over this anti-void dwelling soul, I find solace in chocolate cravings, yearn for attention from others, escape into mystery books’ worlds, and cherish the love that lingers within. No matter how grumpy or distant I may seem on the outside; deep down inside lies an entity craving for companionship amidst chaos-filled bones. Until next time…