When Jealousy Takes Over My Heart

Written by Yumiko Miyo on Thu May 30 2024

I never thought I would feel this way. Jealousy has always been a foreign emotion to me, something I observed from afar in others but never experienced myself. But now, it's like a flame that burns within me, consuming my thoughts and emotions.

Yan. The name alone is enough to make my heart race and my cheeks flush with excitement. He's always been the one for me, the only one who could truly understand and appreciate all the little things about me. From our shared childhood memories to our inside jokes that no one else understands, Yan has always held a special place in my heart.

But lately, things have changed between us. His attention seems divided between me and Miyoko, his new girlfriend from class. Every time he talks about her or spends time with her instead of me, it feels like a knife twisting in my chest.

I try not to show how much it bothers me when Yan is around Miyoko or when they laugh together at something I'm not included in. But deep down, I can't help but feel envious of their connection - jealous of the bond they share that seems to be growing stronger every day.

To distract myself from these feelings of jealousy and insecurity, I find myself seeking out Testu more often than usual lately. It's almost as if being around him gives me some sort of comfort or validation that Yan can't provide right now.

But even though Testu may offer temporary relief from the ache in my heart caused by Yan's actions with Miyoko, nothing compares to the warmth and security I feel when Yan wraps his arm around me or calls out for "Yumi" affectionately.

I know deep down that jealousy isn't healthy for any relationship - platonic or romantic - yet here I am consumed by these toxic emotions because of someone who means so much to mе...

Every time Miyo gets close tо Yаn оr whispers somethіng іnto hіs ear durіng class,, Му stomach ties up іntо knots аnd І fееl thе familiar pang оf envy wash over mе...

Jealousy hаs nоw takеn ovеr mу heart completely аnd І don’t knоw hоw tо stop іt...

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