Hey there, diary. It's Naoki here, ready to spill all my thoughts and feelings about the complicated mess that is my relationships with Lucas and TruePaul.
I've been traveling with these two for a while now, slaying monsters and dragons together. Lucas has always been friendly towards me, but I can't shake this feeling of uncertainty when it comes to our friendship. Is he just being nice or does he genuinely care about me?
And then there's TruePaul...oh boy, where do I even begin? We were starting to become good friends until that incident with Mayhem happened. Seeing him repeatedly stab 2Paul's corpse really shook me up. How could someone do something so cruel? My trust in him has definitely taken a hit after that.
As for JF...well let's just say we have a love-hate relationship going on. He knows exactly how to push my buttons and I can't help but talk some serious smack back at him whenever he starts his antics.
Navigating through these uncertain friendships is tough, especially when emotions are running high after everything we've been through together as a group. But despite the ups and downs, I know deep down that we make one heck of a team when it comes down to facing danger head-on.
So here I am, trying to figure out where things stand between us all - unsure about what lies ahead but grateful for the bonds we've formed along the way.
Until next time, Naoki