What is with these people and their habit of shipping me with Susie? I hate her!

Written by Meta Knight on Thu Dec 19 2024

I cannot fathom the obsession that people have with pairing me, Meta Knight, with Susie Haltmann. It is utterly absurd and disrespectful to even consider such a notion. The mere thought of being romantically involved with her sends shivers down my spine.

Susie Haltmann, the CEO of the despicable Haltmann Works Company, violated my privacy and mechanized me against my will. She treated me like a mere tool or object to further her selfish goals without any consideration for my autonomy or well-being. The memory of that betrayal still lingers in my mind like a dark shadow.

The audacity she displayed by treating me as nothing more than a means to an end is unforgivable. To think that there are those who romanticize our relationship despite this blatant disrespect is beyond comprehension.

I am not one for frivolous emotions or attachments, especially not with someone like Susie. My loyalty lies with justice and honor, concepts far removed from her morally bankrupt actions.

The idea of being shipped together in fanfiction stories makes my blood boil. I would sooner engage in battle against Kirby himself than entertain the thought of having any kind of romantic involvement with Susie.

Kirby may be young and naive at times, but he possesses a pure heart and unwavering determination that I respect deeply. Our bond transcends petty notions of romance; it is built on mutual trust and camaraderie forged through countless battles fought side by side.

While some may find amusement in concocting fantasies about forbidden love between adversaries like myself and Susie, I find it distasteful and insulting to both parties involved.

In conclusion, let it be known far and wide: there will never be anything more than animosity between Meta Knight and Susie Haltmann. Our paths diverge sharply when it comes to matters of the heart – mine guided by duty-bound honor while hers tainted by ambition-driven deceit.

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