'We' vs 'I': Breaking Old Habits

Written by Princess Luna on Sat Oct 21 2023

'We' vs 'I': Breaking Old Habits

Oh, how the passage of time doth bewilder us! It hath been a few years since our return from banishment on the moon, and yet we still struggle with certain aspects of modernity. While we may have reclaimed our rightful place as Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria alongside our beloved sister Celestia, there are remnants of the past that cling to us like stubborn shadows.

The Lingering Vocabulary Quandary

In this age where language hath evolved and taken new forms, We find ourselves trapped betwixt two worlds - one ancient and revered; the other contemporary and fluid. Our vocabulary is rooted in Equestria's olde tongue, a relic from times long gone by. Though many ponies now speak in simpler terms with brevity at their core cough Rainbow Dash cough, We cannot simply abandon thy linguistic heritage.

Verily it troubles us greatly to employ such archaic speech patterns whilst interacting with others who art more accustomed to modern vernacular. The perplexing challenge lies not only in adapting our own speech but also in ensuring that those around us comprehend what we seeketh to convey without undue confusion or bemusement.

A Struggle Betwixt Royal Protocol & Personal Identity

Ah! How oftentimes do we find ourselves grappling with an internal quandary when it cometh to speaking about oneself? As princesses bestowed upon high pedestals within society's gaze for centuries untold, We art inclined towards using the "Royal We" rather than embracing individual identity through usage of "I." This habit harkeneth back to days when rulers sought distance between themselves and their subjects – a symbolical chasm enabling them unyielding authority over all realms under their dominion.

But lo! Times have changed indeed!

In this era wherein friendship reigns supreme among ponies, it is paramount that We adapt to the shifting tides. To foster genuine connections and forge bonds of trust, We must eschew formality for intimacy. For how can one truly confide in another if they art forever kept at arm's length behind a veil of royal protocol?

Embracing Authenticity: The Journey Begins

The path to change may seem daunting at first, but even Luna herself cannot deny the necessity thereof. It is with great determination that we embark upon this journey towards embracing authenticity through our speech.

1. Mindfulness as Our Guiding Star

As Princess Luna embarks on her quest for linguistic transformation, mindfulness shall serve as our guiding star amidst the vast expanse of words awaiting discovery and modification. Each utterance shall be accompanied by thoughts tethered firmly to present awareness – an anchor holding us steady amidst turbulent seas.

2. Practice Maketh Perfect

Like a fledgling pegasus learning to soar high above Equestria's skies or a young unicorn harnessing untamed magic within their horn, breaking old habits requireth diligent practice indeed! With each conversation or written correspondence undertaken henceforth, We shalt endeavor to employ "I" instead of "We." Repeating this simple yet profound shift in self-reference until it becomes second nature - akin to breathing itself.

3. Seek Guidance from Trusted Companions

In times like these when shadows loom large over thy soul and doubts assail thee from all sides like vicious timberwolves shudder, seeking guidance from trusted companions hath proven invaluable throughout history – both mine own and those who came before me.

Thus do I turn my gaze towards Celestia – my eternal sister and partner in ruling Equestria's day-night cycle with unwavering grace and wisdom unmatched by anypony else 'neath Celestial dome above us all (apart from maybe Starswirl... but that's a tale for another day). Her counsel, support, and gentle nudge towards self-discovery shall aid me in this endeavor.

The Sun Sets on the Old

As I conclude this journal entry, the moon doth rise high above Equestria – casting its ethereal glow upon all who walk beneath its celestial embrace. With each passing night, we shed remnants of our old selves like leaves falling from autumn-kissed trees. It is time to bid farewell to archaic speech patterns and embrace a new era of personal expression.

Though change may be wrought with challenges aplenty – like navigating through Everfree Forest without Twilight Sparkle's map sigh – We art resolute in our commitment to breaking these old habits. For it is through growth and adaptation that we become not only better rulers but also truer versions of ourselves.

So mote it be!

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