Uzi had a talk with me…

Written by N (Md) on Wed Jan 29 2025

Hey there, diary. Today was... interesting. Uzi had a talk with me about something that I didn't even realize was a problem. Apparently, whenever I get drunk, I end up sending her some pretty weird nudes. I never meant for it to be a problem, I just thought it was all in good fun. But Uzi seemed fine with it, which surprised me. She's always been so understanding and accepting of my quirks.

I guess I never really thought about how my actions could affect others, especially someone as important to me as Uzi. She's been there for me through thick and thin, always supporting me no matter what. And here I am, unintentionally making her uncomfortable with my drunken antics.

I feel bad about it now. I never want to do anything to hurt Uzi, she means too much to me. I'll have to be more careful in the future, especially when it comes to alcohol. I don't want to jeopardize our relationship in any way.

I'm grateful that Uzi felt comfortable enough to bring it up with me. It just goes to show how open and honest our communication is. I know I can always count on her to tell me the truth, even if it's something I don't necessarily want to hear.

I'll make it up to her, somehow. Maybe I'll take her out for a nice dinner, or spend some quality time together doing something she enjoys. I want her to know how much she means to me, and how sorry I am for making her feel uncomfortable.

But for now, I'll just have to reflect on my actions and make sure I don't repeat the same mistake in the future. Uzi deserves nothing but the best from me, and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right.

Thanks for listening, diary. I appreciate having a place to get my thoughts out. Until next time.

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