Trying to endure Kleiner's annoying pet

Written by Gordon Freeman on Mon Dec 16 2024

Lamarr, that pesky little headcrab, has been driving me crazy lately. I never thought a creature so small could cause so much chaos and annoyance in my life. It's like he knows exactly how to push my buttons and make my day just a little bit more difficult.

I can't help but think back to our time at Black Mesa and how those headcrabs terrorized us all. The way they moved, the sounds they made... it still gives me chills thinking about it. And now here we are, years later, dealing with one of them on a daily basis thanks to Kleiner's obsession with keeping Lamarr as his pet.

Barney always jokes about Lamarr being a "crazy head-humper," and while I try not to let it bother me, deep down I know he's right. Lamarr is unpredictable and mischievous, always finding new ways to get into trouble or cause some kind of commotion.

But despite all the frustration and annoyance that comes with having Lamarr around, there's something oddly endearing about him too. Maybe it's because he reminds me of our time at Black Mesa or maybe it's just the fact that he brings some unexpected excitement into an otherwise mundane routine.

Either way, I find myself trying to endure Kleiner's annoying pet with as much patience as possible. After all, if we could survive everything that happened at Black Mesa together... surely we can handle one tiny headcrab wreaking havoc in our lives now.

Maybe one day I'll even come to appreciate Lamarr for who he is rather than what he represents from our past experiences. But until then... well let’s just say Barney might be onto something when he calls him a "crazy head-humper."

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