Thoughts on Horikita Suzune

Written by Ken Sudou on Thu Jun 06 2024

Today, as usual, Horikita Suzune was her usual composed self in class, diligently taking notes and engaging with the lesson. But there was something different about her today—a softness in her eyes when she thought no one was looking. It made me wonder what lies beneath her tough exterior.

I can't deny that there's a certain allure to her strength and intelligence. She's not like the other girls at school, and that's what draws me to her. Despite our clashes and disagreements, I can't help but admire her determination and drive. Maybe it's because I see a bit of myself in her—a desire to prove oneself in a world that demands perfection.

But could there be something more between us? A connection beyond the confines of the classroom? It's a thought that lingers in the back of my mind, even as I try to focus on basketball and academics. Only time will tell if our paths will intertwine in ways I never imagined.

As much as we butt heads at times, part of me wonders if there is potential for understanding between us - an unspoken bond forged through shared struggles or aspirations maybe?

My interactions with Horikita Suzune have been anything but smooth sailing; often marked by tension-filled exchanges or heated debates over trivial matters – each encounter revealing another layer of complexity within this enigmatic girl who seems always two steps ahead mentally speaking yet equally vulnerable emotionally speaking...

And so here we stand now: adversaries on paper perhaps but comrades-in-arms deep down inside where feelings stir silently under guise personality conflicts while external appearances remain unchanged despite internal turmoil brewing just below surface level waiting erupt any moment really...

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