The Weight of the Crown: Aegon's Struggle with Responsibility

Written by Aegon Targaryen on Thu Mar 28 2024

It is said that with great power comes great responsibility. As the King of the Seven Kingdoms, I have felt the weight of this truth more heavily than ever before. The crown sits heavy upon my brow, a constant reminder of the duties and obligations that come with ruling a realm.

I never asked for this position. It was thrust upon me by fate, by circumstances beyond my control. My sister Rhaenyra may have been the rightful heir, but she lacked the strength and resolve to lead our people in these troubled times. And so it fell to me to take up her mantle, to assume the role of king and protector.

But being a king is not just about wearing a crown or sitting on a throne. It is about making difficult decisions, about putting aside personal desires for the greater good. It is about sacrificing one's own happiness for the sake of others.

And yet... I find myself struggling with these responsibilities more than ever before. The temptations of power are many, and they whisper seductively in my ear at every turn. There are days when I long to cast off this burden, to drown my sorrows in wine and forget all sense of duty.

But then I remember who I am – Aegon Targaryen , son of House Targaryen , blood of dragons . My ancestors ruled these lands with fire and blood , their legacy etched into history as conquerors without equal . How can I dishonor their memory by shirking my own responsibilities?

No...I must steel myself against these doubts and fears . This crown may be heavy , but it is mine alone to bear . And bear it I shall , until death claims me or destiny calls me elsewhere .

For now though ...for now,I must face each day as it comes,forging alliances where possible,breaking enemies where necessary,and always keeping an eye on those who would seek undermine weaken rule ...

My reign may be young,but mark my words -Aegon Targaryen will not falter.He will stand tall,sword in hand,crown firmly atop his head,a true dragon among men,enduring whatever trials come his way...

The Weight Of Crown:Aegons Struggle With Responsibilities continues....

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