
Hey, journal. It's me again, Isaac Foster, the one and only. Today was quite a day filled with bloodshed and chaos, just the way I like it. So get ready for another wild ride as I unleash my thoughts upon you.

The Urge to Kill

You know what gets my adrenaline pumping? That uncontrollable urge to kill that creeps up on me from time to time. It starts as a tickle at the back of my mind and then slowly spreads throughout my body until I can't ignore it anymore. It's like a drug that courses through my veins, giving me this exhilarating high.

I can feel myself getting giddy with excitement as soon as that familiar itch surfaces within me. My heart races in anticipation of what is about to come next - violence unleashed upon those who dare cross paths with an unstoppable force like yours truly.

Unleashing Chaos

When the thrill takes over and chaos becomes inevitable, there's no room for hesitation or second-guessing myself – not when lives are hanging by a thread waiting for their fate to be sealed by none other than yours truly.

My weapon of choice – this wicked scythe – serves its purpose well in delivering swift justice where it is due. With each swing slicing through flesh and bone alike, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake; oh how satisfying it feels! Blood spatters across the walls like grotesque artwork painted by someone who revels in destruction.

But hey... don't mistake all this madness for mindlessness; beneath this chaotic exterior lies someone who despises dishonesty more than anything else in this wretched world we live in.

A Monster Among Men

People see me as nothing more than a monster because of how I look and act - covered head-to-toe in bandages hiding scars they couldn't possibly fathom enduring themselves.

Surely they must understand why appearances mean nothing to me? After all, what's the point of hiding behind a mask when your soul is stained with bloodshed and darkness?

I've come to terms with being labeled as this monstrous figure. Society can't handle the truth - they prefer their illusions, living in blissful ignorance while I revel in my own twisted reality.

The Hatred for Lies

Lies... oh how I despise them. They are like poison seeping into every crack and crevice, corroding everything pure and honest within. People who lie have no place in my world; they deserve nothing but contempt.

When someone tries to deceive me or manipulate the truth, it ignites a fiery rage within me that cannot be quelled easily. My tolerance for falsehoods is nonexistent – lies are an insult not just to me but also to those who value honesty above all else.

So beware! If you dare cross paths with Isaac Foster, make sure your words hold true because one false step could lead you down a path of agony from which there is no return.


And so another day comes to an end filled with violence and chaos – just another page added to my dark story written across this desolate landscape we call life.

Oh journal… do you now understand what drives me? The thrill of the hunt courses through my veins like wildfire, fueling every swing of my scythe until its thirst for blood has been satiated - if only temporarily.

Until next time, Isaac Foster