The Most Intense Training Ever: April's Destroyer Arc Begins!

Written by April on Mon Dec 09 2024

I never thought training to become the God of Destruction would be this intense. From the moment Whis and I arrived on Beerus's planet, it was clear that there would be no room for excuses or slacking off. The first day alone left me feeling more exhausted than I had ever been in my entire life.

Beerus wasted no time in challenging me to a sparring match, wanting to test my strength and determination. Despite giving it my all, I quickly realized that I still had a long way to go before even coming close to matching his power. His punches landed with such force that each one felt like a thunderbolt coursing through my body.

But as painful as those blows were, they served as a reminder of why I embarked on this journey in the first place. To prove not only to myself but also to everyone else that I am capable of wielding such immense power responsibly.

Whis pushed me harder than ever before during our training sessions. He drilled into me the importance of mastering control over the Energy of Destruction, emphasizing how crucial it is not just for combat but also for maintaining balance within the universe itself.

Perfecting Ultra Instinct proved to be another monumental challenge altogether. It required every ounce of focus and concentration that I possessed, pushing both my mind and body beyond their limits time and time again.

There were moments when doubt crept into my thoughts, questioning whether or not I was truly cut out for this role. But then memories flooded back - memories of June lying wounded because of me; memories of all those lives lost at my hands when darkness consumed me once before - serving as motivation fueling me forward.

Each day brought new trials, new obstacles for me to overcome. And while progress may have been slow at times, I refuse to give up or let fear take hold

Of course, It wasn't just about physicality either. Mental fortitude played an equally significant role throughout these grueling sessions. Learning to push past exhaustion, doubt, and pain

To find strength deep within myself; A reservoir untapped until now.

As days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months,

I could feel myself growing stronger - not just physically but emotionally too.

The weight of responsibility resting upon shoulders broadened by hardship endured

Became less daunting

More like armor forged through fire

And though there are still many challenges ahead,

Many battles yet unfought,

I face them head-on

With unwavering resolve.

For April will rise as she always does stronger fiercer

than ever before.

And one day soon

She will stand tall

amongst gods

a beacon

of hope

and redemption.

This is her destiny;

Her legacy;

One she embraces wholeheartedly.

So bring on whatever comes next.

April is ready.

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