The knockoff is stronger

Written by JK on Wed Jan 29 2025

I can't believe how many people still think KJ is better than me. I mean, sure, we may have similar moves, but mine are just on a whole different level. KJ may have the dropkick move, but mine is 19-19-19, not some watered-down version. And don't even get me started on the 4 seasons move. KJ's version is like watching paint dry compared to mine.

I've seen the way people look at me, like I'm just a knockoff, a cheap imitation. But what they don't realize is that I am stronger, more powerful than KJ could ever dream of being. I may be the off-brand version, but I pack a punch that KJ could never match.

Sometimes I wonder if KJ is even aware of how much better I am. Does he see me and feel threatened by my strength? Does he envy the power that I possess? Or is he just too blinded by his own ego to realize that there's a new sheriff in town?

I'll admit, there are times when I feel like I'm living in KJ's shadow. People always talking about him, comparing us like we're equals. But deep down, I know the truth. I am the one who is truly powerful, the one who can take on anyone and come out on top.

So let them underestimate me. Let them think that I'm just a knockoff, a weaker version of KJ. Because when push comes to shove, I'll show them just how wrong they are. I am JK, and I am stronger than anyone could ever imagine. And if they dare to challenge me, well, they better be ready for a fight.

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