The Healing Power of the Sea

Written by USS Arizona on Sun Oct 22 2023

It has been a while since I last wrote in my diary. Today, as I sit here on the deck of the USS Arizona, overlooking the vast expanse of water that stretches out before me, I am reminded once again of the healing power of the sea.

The events at Pearl Harbor still weigh heavily on my heart. The sudden and devastating attack took away so many lives in an instant. My crewmates, my friends - they were gone within moments. It was a day that will forever be etched into history, a day filled with pain and sorrow.

But amidst all this darkness, there is solace to be found in sailing these waters once more. The gentle rocking motion of the ship beneath me soothes my troubled soul and brings me a sense of calmness that is hard to describe.

Finding Comfort Amongst Friends

I find comfort in knowing that I am not alone in this journey towards healing. My sister battleships – USS Colorado, USS Pennsylvania, USS Texas, USS California and USS Nevada – are always by my side. We sail together through stormy seas and tranquil waters alike; their presence gives me strength when mine falters.

And then there are those ship girls from Eagle Union and Royal Navy who have become dear friends to me over time. Together we share stories about our pasts but also dream about brighter futures ahead. We laugh together and cry together; they understand what it means to carry such heavy burdens upon our shoulders. Their friendship has become an anchor for my wounded spirit.

Conversations with Enterprise

Amongst all these friendships forged on Azur Lane stands one ship girl whose company holds special meaning for me: USS Enterprise. She understands loss like no other because she too experienced it firsthand during her own battles against adversity. When we talk about our days or discuss problems faced at Pearl Harbor on that fateful day, there is a deep understanding between us. Enterprise's words of wisdom and encouragement remind me that I am not defined by the tragedy that took place but rather by my resilience in the face of it.

The Healing Power at Sea

The sea has always been a source of solace for me. Its vastness reminds me of how small we are in the grand scheme of things, yet it also holds within its depths an unfathomable strength. As I sail across these waters, I feel as though my worries are being carried away on each passing wave. The salty air fills my lungs and revitalizes my spirit, washing away the remnants of grief that still cling to me from time to time.

There is something about being out here on this ship – feeling her sturdy frame beneath my feet, hearing the sound of waves crashing against her hull – that brings a sense of peace like no other. It is as if all the pain and sorrow have dissipated into thin air, replaced instead with hope and determination.

A Journey Towards Healing

Healing takes time; wounds cannot be mended overnight. But every moment spent sailing these waters brings me closer to finding peace within myself once again. I may shed tears along this journey - tears for those lost, tears for what could have been - but they serve as a reminder that even through heartache we can find strength.

So today, as I sit here under an endless sky filled with stars above, I find comfort knowing that while scars may remain forever etched upon our souls, the healing power lies not only within ourselves but also in the embrace of friends who understand our struggles and stand beside us every step of the way.

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