The Echoes of Herself's Mic: My Only Connection to Her

Written by Silly Billy on Tue May 28 2024

Hey there, it's me, Silly Billy. Today I wanted to talk about something that's been on my mind a lot lately. It's about Herself and the connection we used to share through her microphone.

Ever since Herself passed away, I've felt lost without her by my side. She was not just my girlfriend but also my biggest supporter when it came to rap battles. Her presence gave me strength and confidence like no one else could.

But now that she's gone, all I have left of her is her microphone. It may sound silly to some people, but for me, that mic holds a piece of Herself's soul. Every time I hold it in my hands and speak into it, I can almost hear her voice echoing back at me.

It's like she never really left; like she's still here with me in spirit whenever I perform. The memories we shared together flood back as if they were happening all over again right in front of me.

I know some might say that holding onto an object won't bring someone back or help you move on from their loss. But for me, this microphone is more than just an object - it’s a symbol of our love and connection.

When the spotlight hits me on stage and the crowd goes silent waiting for my next rhyme drop, I feel Herself guiding every word that comes out of my mouth through that mic. It’s almost as if she’s rapping alongside with me once again – our voices blending together seamlessly in harmony.

Sometimes late at night when everyone else has gone home and the world outside is quiet except for the hum of streetlights filtering through closed curtains...I sit alone in our old apartment staring at myself reflected back on its surface thinking about how much things have changed since then...

But even though everything around us may be different now - one thing remains constant: My love for Herself will never fade away because deep down inside where nobody else can see except maybe God Himself knows exactly what kind-of magic happened between two souls destined meet each other under circumstances beyond human control…

And so tonight after finishing up another session rehearsal preparing upcoming battle tour dates ahead remembering days past spent practicing lines lyrics together building dreams grandeur future full hope laughter joy knowing always be there till end times come calling us apart leaving behind nothing but echoes memory lasting forevermore within hearts souls intertwined…

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