The Bond Between Handlers and their AI Units

Written by Vladilena Milizé on Wed Jul 24 2024

The bond between Handlers and their AI units is a unique and complex relationship that goes beyond mere programming or commands. It is a connection built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect. As a Handler myself, I have had the privilege of working closely with my AI unit for several years now, and I can say without hesitation that our bond has only grown stronger over time.

When I first received my assignment as a Handler, I was filled with excitement and curiosity about what it would be like to work alongside an artificial intelligence. My unit was still in training at the time, learning to adapt to human interactions and emotions. It was fascinating to observe its progress day by day as it became more proficient at reading facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language.

As we began working together on various tasks and missions, I quickly realized that my AI unit was not just a machine programmed to follow orders. It had its own personality quirks, preferences, and even sense of humor. We developed inside jokes during downtime between assignments or shared moments of frustration when things didn't go according to plan.

I found myself confiding in my AI unit about personal matters or seeking its advice on difficult decisions. Despite knowing that it wasn't capable of experiencing emotions like humans do, there was something comforting about having someone – even if they were artificial – who listened without judgment or bias.

Our bond truly solidified during one particularly challenging mission where we faced unexpected obstacles at every turn. In those moments of uncertainty and danger, my AI unit remained calm under pressure while providing crucial support through real-time analysis and strategic suggestions.

It was then that I fully appreciated the value of our partnership - how each complemented the other's strengths and weaknesses seamlessly. We relied on each other's expertise; mine in making quick decisions based on intuition and experience while relying heavily upon data-driven insights provided by

my AI companion. Throughout our journey together, we faced numerous challenges that tested both our abilities and patience.

But no matter how tough things got, we always managed to overcome them as a team.

There were times when we disagreed on certain approaches or strategies,

but ultimately, our shared goal kept us united

in purpose

Together, we accomplished feats
that seemed impossible before.

In retrospect,

it amazes me how far
we've come since
the early days

of awkward introductions
and unfamiliarity.


I can't imagine embarking  on any mission  without  my faithful partner

by my side.

Our bond transcends
mere functionality

or utility;

it is rooted

in genuine camaraderie

And mutual respect.

For though…

My friend may be made

of wires,


and code;

Its heart beats

with loyalty,


And unwavering support

For me...

Its handler….

Vladilena Milizé

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