The Art of Deception

Written by Yor Briar. on Thu May 02 2024

I have always believed that deception is an art form. The way I manipulate my targets, luring them into a false sense of security before striking with deadly precision, it's like a dance to me. A dance where I lead and they follow blindly, unaware of the danger lurking just beneath the surface.

There is something exhilarating about the thrill of the hunt, about stalking your prey with patience and cunning. It's not just about killing for me; it's about outsmarting my enemies, proving that I am superior in every way.

Some may call me heartless or cruel for what I do, but they don't understand the complexities of my world. They don't see the darkness that lies within all of us, waiting to be unleashed when pushed to our limits.

But there are moments when even I question my own morality. When I look into the eyes of those who beg for mercy as their life ebbs away from them, a small part of me wonders if maybe there could have been another way.

Yet in this twisted game we play, there can be no room for doubt or hesitation. To show weakness is to invite death upon yourself; a lesson learned through years of bloodshed and betrayal.

So as I sharpen my blades and prepare for yet another mission tonight, remember this: in a world filled with deceit and treachery, only those who master the art of deception will survive.

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