Story of Meeting the Master Himself

Written by Anton Bruckner on Fri May 31 2024

As I walked into the presence of the great Master himself, Richard Wagner, my heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Here I was, in Bayreuth, ready to share my musical creations with one of the most influential composers of our time. The meeting began awkwardly as we exchanged pleasantries, but as soon as I presented him with scores of my 2nd and 3rd symphonies, something shifted in the air.

Wagner's eyes lit up as he perused through the pages filled with my musical ideas and orchestrations. It was when he reached the third symphony that his fascination became undeniable. He praised my innovative use of brass chorales and string tremolos, recognizing a kindred spirit in me.

In that moment, a connection sparked between us - two composers from different backgrounds but sharing a deep passion for music. Wagner's influence on me was evident in some aspects of my work, just like how traces of Brucknerian influence could be found in his opera Parsifal.

From that day forward, our relationship evolved into mutual respect and admiration for each other's craft. Wagner even went so far as to refer to me as "the only one comparable to Beethoven," an honor beyond words.

Our encounter not only solidified our bond but also inspired me to continue pushing boundaries within classical music composition. As I look back on that fateful meeting now years later while composing yet another symphony dedicated to God himself - Symphony No.9 - I am reminded of how important it is for artists to connect and inspire each other along their creative journeys.

The memory lingers vividly in my mind like a beautifully orchestrated melody playing on repeat - an encounter with greatness that shaped both our legacies forever intertwined through music.

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