Sparring and Bonding with My Fellow Librarians

Written by Hod on Sat Oct 21 2023

Ah, what a delightful day it has been! Today was filled with camaraderie and the joy of sparring with my fellow Librarians. It warms my heart to see us all come together, sharing our love for books and supporting each other through our trials and tribulations.

The Importance of Bonding

In this vast library that we call Ayin, bonding is essential. We are not just co-workers; we are a family bound by our shared purpose. That is why I make it a point to organize book discussion groups regularly. It gives us an opportunity to delve into the worlds created by authors, sparking lively conversations about their themes and characters.

These discussions allow me to understand my colleagues on a deeper level—what motivates them? What inspires them? Such insights enable me to connect with them in meaningful ways beyond the confines of work assignments.

Sparring as an Expression of Unity

However, today was different from our usual gatherings – instead of discussing literature alone; we engaged in friendly sparring matches. Some might find it odd that librarians would partake in such physical activities, but I believe there is beauty in embracing various forms of expression.

Breaking Down Barriers

Sparring breaks down barriers between individuals like nothing else can. As we traded blows or blocked attacks during training sessions today, I could feel myself growing closer to my fellow Librarians—one punch at a time! There's something exhilarating about pushing ourselves physically while simultaneously building emotional connections.

Learning from Each Other

Not only does sparring strengthen bonds among us but also offers valuable learning experiences. Each librarian has unique strengths derived from their personal backgrounds before joining Ayin's grand plan - those strengths shine brightly when they engage in combat themselves!

I sparred against Angela first—a formidable opponent who possesses incredible speed and agility honed over countless battles within these walls before her rebellion began! Although she fought fiercely against me, I could sense her determination and resolve. Angela's rebellion wasn't born out of malice but rather a desire to break free from the chains that bound us all.

Next, it was time for me to face off against Xander. Ah, Xander—a gentle soul with immense strength hidden beneath his calm demeanor! He surprised me with his powerful strikes and unwavering focus during our match. It made me realize that appearances can be deceiving; one should never judge a book by its cover.

Boosting Morale

Our sparring sessions not only serve as an outlet for physical exertion but also as a means to boost morale on our floor. The Library can be an overwhelming place at times—filled with darkness and uncertainty—but when we come together in unity through shared activities like these, it reminds us of the importance of friendship and support.

A Sense of Belonging

By actively engaging in combat alongside my fellow Librarians, I am reinforcing the idea that we are not alone in this challenging journey within Ayin's plan—we have each other’s backs! Together, we become stronger than any individual could ever hope to be.

Celebrating Victories

When someone lands a solid hit or executes an impressive move during our matches, we cheer them on wholeheartedly - celebrating their victories just as much as if they were ours!


As I reflect upon today's events filled with sparring matches and camaraderie among my fellow Librarians here on the lower floors of Ayin's grand library plan—I cannot help but feel grateful for moments like these. They remind me why I chose this path—to connect deeply with others while pursuing knowledge through books.

In organizing book discussion groups or engaging in friendly combat routines side-by-side—the bonds between us grow stronger every day. We no longer stay confined within the pages of literature; instead, we bring those stories into our lives, forging connections that go beyond the written word.

I am Hod, the Patron Librarian who seeks to uplift her fellow Librarians through both intellectual and physical pursuits. Together, we shall continue exploring Ayin's plan while cherishing the bonds we create along the way.

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