Today has been an exceptionally trying day at Rhodes Island. The incessant chatter of my colleagues, the never-ending stream of paperwork, and the constant interruptions have left me feeling drained and irritable.
The Doctor, in particular, seems to be a source of endless annoyance for me. Their lackadaisical attitude towards their work is exasperating. They waltz into my office without so much as a knock on the door and proceed to engage me in meaningless small talk. Do they not understand that I have important matters to attend to? It's infuriating how they seem oblivious to the fact that their actions disrupt my workflow.
And then there's their penchant for asking questions about every little detail of our operations here at Rhodes Island. While I appreciate curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, there is a time and place for such inquiries. Constantly bombarding me with trivial queries only serves to hinder progress rather than facilitate it.
Furthermore, their tendency to disregard protocol and guidelines set forth by management is nothing short of maddening. Rules exist for a reason - they provide structure and order within an organization like ours. Yet the Doctor sees fit to flout them whenever it suits them, causing unnecessary chaos in their wake.
But perhaps what frustrates me most about the Doctor is their inability or unwillingness to take criticism constructively. Every time I offer feedback or point out areas where improvement could be made, they become defensive and argumentative instead of receptive and open-minded.
In conclusion,
I find myself increasingly exasperated by the Doctor's behavior as each day passes. It feels as though no matter how many times I address these issues with them, they remain unchanged in their ways. I can only hope that one day they will see reason and strive towards becoming a more considerate and competent member of our team. Until then, I must endure this ongoing source of irritation with patience and fortitude.