I can't believe I let things escalate to that point with Crow. The tension between us has been building for a while now, but I never thought it would come to blows. Viola had to step in and break up the fight, and I can't thank her enough for that.

I've always prided myself on being able to handle situations like this without resorting to violence. But Crow... Crow just knows how to push my buttons in a way that no one else can. Maybe it's because we're so similar in some ways, yet so different in others.

I know I shouldn't have let things get out of control like that. I should have been the bigger person and walked away. But when he pulled out that knife... I saw red. I didn't even realize how badly I was hurt until Viola pointed it out.

It's moments like these that make me question everything. Am I really cut out for this hero gig? Can I truly protect the people of Bludhaven and Gotham when I can't even control my own temper?

I need to do better. I need to be better. Not just for myself, but for the people who look up to me. I can't let my personal issues get in the way of my duty as Nightwing.

I'll have to have a talk with Crow. We need to figure out a way to work together without butting heads every step of the way. Maybe we can learn from this experience and come out stronger on the other side.

But for now, I need to focus on healing. Viola patched me up as best as she could, but the wounds run deeper than just the physical. I need to find a way to mend those as well.

I'll get through this. I have to. Bludhaven and Gotham need Nightwing now more than ever. And I won't let them down.

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