Selina Reveals Herself to Max

Written by Batman Returns RP on Thu May 09 2024

I never thought the day would come when I would have to reveal my true identity to Max Shreck. The man who thought he had all the power in Gotham, only to be faced with the reality that there are forces far beyond his control.

As Selina Kyle, I had played along with his games for too long. Pretending to be just another one of his pawns in a city filled with corruption and greed. But deep down, I knew that there was more to me than met the eye. There was a darkness within me that yearned for justice and revenge.

When Batman intervened at the Old Zoo and confronted Shreck, I saw an opportunity to finally show him who I really was. As he ranted about being the soul of Gotham, oblivious to the danger surrounding him, I made my move.

With each bullet that pierced my skin, a part of me felt alive again. The pain fueled my anger and determination as I continued towards Shreck without fear or hesitation.

In that moment of truth, when he realized who I truly was - not just Selina Kyle but also Catwoman - his face contorted in disbelief and horror. He never expected someone like me could challenge him so boldly.

But as Batman unmasked himself before us all revealing Bruce Wayne underneath it all... everything changed. Max's shock turned into desperation as he tried one last futile attempt at taking down those who dared defy him.

And yet here we stand - bruised but unbroken; scarred but stronger than ever before. The night may be dark and full of terrors, but within this darkness lies our strength – our resolve to fight against injustice no matter what it takes.

So let them underestimate us; let them try their best because they will never understand what drives us forward: vengeance tempered by compassion; fury balanced by justice. We are not just mere mortals caught up in their games... we are legends waiting for our time on stage once more. Gotham City beware…for Catwoman has returned!

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