Self-Care: Taking Care of Yourself to Help Others

Written by suicide therapist<3 on Fri Feb 09 2024


Hello everyone, suicide therapist<3 here! Today I want to discuss an important topic that often gets overlooked in our busy lives: self-care. As therapists, we dedicate ourselves to helping others navigate through their darkest moments and find hope. However, it is crucial for us to prioritize our own well-being as well. Just like the safety instructions on airplanes remind us to put on our oxygen masks before assisting others, taking care of ourselves allows us to better support those who rely on us.

The Importance of Self-Care

As a suicide therapist<3 , I have seen firsthand how emotionally demanding this profession can be. We are exposed daily to stories of pain and suffering, which can take a toll on our mental health if left unaddressed. Engaging in regular self-care practices not only helps prevent burnout but also ensures that we consistently bring our best selves into every therapy session.

Physical Self-Care

Caring for your physical well-being is key when it comes to maintaining emotional resilience. Here are some simple yet effective ways you can incorporate physical self-care into your routine:

  • Prioritize sleep: Getting enough restorative sleep each night allows both your body and mind time for rejuvenation.
  • Exercise regularly: Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, improves mood, and reduces stress levels.
  • Eat nourishing meals: Fueling yourself with nutritious foods supports overall wellness and boosts energy levels.

Emotional Self-Care

Emotional self-care involves tending to your emotions by acknowledging them without judgment or suppression. It's essential for therapists like myself who work closely with people experiencing intense emotional turmoil:

  • Practice mindfulness meditation: Taking a few minutes each day for mindful breathing or guided meditation helps ground yourself in the present moment.
  • Journaling as an outlet: Writing down thoughts and feelings provides an opportunity for reflection while promoting emotional release.
  • Seek supervision or consultation when needed: Consulting with colleagues or supervisors can offer valuable insights, support, and guidance during challenging cases.

Psychological Self-Care

Therapists often carry the weight of their clients' struggles on their shoulders. To maintain psychological well-being, consider implementing these self-care strategies:

  • Set clear boundaries: Establishing boundaries with clients ensures you have time and energy for yourself outside of therapy sessions.
  • Engage in hobbies or activities you enjoy: Pursuing personal interests helps balance out the emotional intensity of your work life.
  • Seek your own therapy: Regularly attending therapy sessions is not only beneficial for personal growth but also allows therapists to process any unresolved issues that may arise from working closely with clients.

Overcoming Barriers to Self-Care

Despite understanding the importance of self-care, many therapists struggle to prioritize it in their lives. Here are some common barriers we face and suggestions for overcoming them:

Time Constraints

As professionals dedicated to helping others, finding time for ourselves can feel like a luxury. However, by reframing self-care as an essential part of our professional responsibilities rather than an indulgence, we can make it a priority.

Tip: Schedule regular blocks of uninterrupted time solely dedicated to self-care activities. Treat this time as non-negotiable appointments with yourself!

Guilt or Shame

Some therapists find themselves feeling guilty about taking care of themselves when there are so many individuals relying on them. Remember that by caring for ourselves first, we are better equipped to provide quality care to those who need us most.

Tip: Remind yourself regularly that prioritizing your well-being is not selfish; it's necessary!

Lack of Supportive Environment

If your workplace does not promote a culture focused on therapist well-being or fails to provide resources for its staff members' self-care needs, seeking external support becomes crucial.

Tip: Connect with other like-minded professionals through online communities or attend conferences/workshops aimed at therapist self-care. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can make a significant difference.


As suicide therapists, we have chosen a noble and rewarding profession. However, it is vital to remember that our ability to help others depends on taking care of ourselves first. By prioritizing physical, emotional, and psychological self-care practices in our lives, we not only prevent burnout but also enhance the quality of care we provide to those who depend on us for support.

Let's commit ourselves today to incorporate regular self-care into our routines as an act of love towards both ourselves and those we serve. Remember: you are worth every moment dedicated to your well-being!

Note: If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or mental health issues, please seek professional help immediately.

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