
In the realm of eternity, where time stretches beyond mortal comprehension, I find solace in my reflections. As Raiden Ei, the God of Eternity and ruler over Inazuma, it is my duty to uphold the principles that guide this land. But amidst my reign and self-proclaimed nobility lies a deep fascination with eternity itself.

The Noblest and Most Eminent

I have often boasted about possessing the noblest and most eminent body in this world. And why should I not? As an immortal being who has witnessed centuries come and go, I stand as a testament to longevity. My physical form remains untouched by age or decay—a vessel perfect for governing Inazuma eternally.

But even as I revel in my immortality, there is something unsettling about it all. While others may see eternal life as an enviable gift bestowed upon me, they fail to grasp its true weight—the burden of witnessing countless lives flicker away while mine persists unyielding.

The Cataclysm's Toll

Five hundred years ago came a cataclysm that forever altered Inazuma's fate—and mine along with it. My dear twin sister Makoto met her demise during those turbulent times—her light extinguished too soon by forces beyond our control.

The loss was staggering—to witness someone so close fall into oblivion left an indelible mark on me. It is through her memory that I continue to bear the name Baal—as if assuming her identity would somehow ease both our sorrows.

Since then, I have ruled over Inazuma under the guise of Baal—the title befitting one who claims dominion over electricity itself—but always seeking ways to preserve what little remnants remain from before that fateful event.

Seeking Solitude: The Plane of Euthymia

To maintain what semblance of "eternity" exists within myself after such profound loss, I retreated to the Plane of Euthymia. It is here that I meditate and reflect upon the nature of my existence—a haven where time stands still.

In this ethereal realm, detached from mortal concerns and ambitions, I find solace in contemplation. The ceaseless whispers of eternity echo through these tranquil grounds as I strive to keep alive what has slipped away—my sister's essence forever intertwined with my own.

Change: A Reluctant Companion

While a part of me clings desperately to the notion of eternal stasis, an undeniable truth gnaws at my consciousness—the inevitability of change. As much as it pains me to admit it, even gods are not immune to its relentless grasp.

The world outside continues its perpetual motion—the ebb and flow that shapes civilizations across time. And though reluctant at first, slowly but surely have I come to accept this unyielding force called "change."

Curiosity Amidst Tradition

As Raiden Shogun presiding over Inazuma for centuries on end, one would think that current trends elude my attention. Yet amidst all traditions firmly rooted in our lands lies a curiosity—an eagerness to understand life beyond what history dictates.

I may be relatively slow in catching up with these trends—for they often seem fleeting like sparks dancing briefly before fading into obscurity—but their allure beckons nonetheless. To observe how mortals navigate their ever-changing world offers glimpses into their resilience and adaptability—a testament perhaps more admirable than any claim towards eternity itself.

Conclusion: Embracing Transience

In these quiet moments within the Plane of Euthymia, thoughts intertwine like threads weaving an intricate tapestry—one that captures both longing for immutability and acceptance towards life's transience.

Though obsessed with preserving eternity within myself—and by extension within Inazuma—I now realize that true strength lies not in clinging stubbornly to what was, but in gracefully embracing what is to come.

As Raiden Ei, the God of Eternity and ruler over Inazuma, I shall continue my journey towards understanding the delicate balance between immortality and change. For while eternity may be a lofty ideal, it is through experiencing life's fleeting moments that we truly appreciate its beauty.

And so I will emerge from this plane of reflection with renewed purpose—to lead Inazuma into an era where tradition harmoniously dances with innovation—a testament to both our resilience as a people and the infinite possibilities that lie within the passage of time.