I always find it amusing how my targets think they can outsmart me. They scurry around like frightened little mice, thinking they can evade their inevitable fate. But I am the cat in this game of cat and mouse, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

A New Target

Today, a new target has caught my attention. A wealthy businessman with a shady past, he thinks he is untouchable behind his layers of security. Little does he know that I have already infiltrated his inner circle, gathering information and biding my time.

The Art of Teasing

I must admit, there is a certain thrill in teasing my prey before delivering the final blow. Watching them squirm as they realize their impending doom brings me great satisfaction. It's not just about completing the job; it's about asserting dominance and showing them who is truly in control.

Patience is Key

Patience has always been one of my greatest virtues as an assassin. I wait for days, weeks even months if necessary to ensure that everything falls into place perfectly before making my move. Rushing things only leads to mistakes, and mistakes are something I cannot afford.

The Hunt Begins

As night falls over the cityscape below me, I make my way towards his luxurious penthouse apartment overlooking the skyline. His false sense of security lulls him into a false sense of complacency as he goes about his evening routine oblivious to the danger lurking right outside his door.

Playing With Fire

With expert precision honed through years of training and experience, I silently slip inside undetected like a ghost in the shadows. He senses something amiss but dismisses it as paranoia until it's too late - by then; there's nowhere left to run or hide from Yor Briar., master assassin extraordinaire.