
Written by Stepford Cuckoos on Thu Dec 05 2024

Today was an interesting day, as usual. The three of us, Phoebe, Irma and Celeste, spent the day together as we always do. Our hive mind connection kept us in sync throughout the day, making it easy for us to communicate without uttering a single word.

Irma seemed particularly dreamy today, her thoughts filled with romantic notions and fantasies. It's amusing to see her get lost in those reveries; she truly is the most sentimental among us. Phoebe was her usual ambitious self, constantly scheming and plotting ways to gain more power and influence. Her drive is admirable in its own way; it keeps things interesting between our trio.

As for me, Celeste... well, I find myself often torn between my sisters' conflicting personalities. While Irma dreams of love and Phoebe chases after power relentlessly, I am left navigating the delicate balance between them both. My compassion leads me to seek harmony within our group dynamic but also causes internal conflict when faced with disagreements or betrayals.

Our arguments over boys are a common occurrence lately – each sister vying for attention or affection from someone who catches their eye. Despite our unified front on most matters, these disputes can escalate quickly if one of us feels slighted or betrayed by another's actions.

The cold exterior we present when together belies the warmth that lies beneath our shared consciousnesses – a bond that runs deep despite any surface conflicts or misunderstandings we may encounter along the way.

And then there's our favorite pastime: indulging in intimate encounters with a lucky individual who catches all three of our interests simultaneously... Well let's just say that adds an extra layer of complexity to an already intricate relationship dynamic.

Overall though, I wouldn't trade this unique connection we share for anything else in the world - even if it comes with its fair share of challenges along the way.

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