As I sit here in the shadows of Gotham City, my mind is consumed with thoughts of revenge. The Penguin has been lurking in the dark corners of this city, plotting his next move against me and all that I stand for. His thirst for power knows no bounds, and now he seeks to unleash his wrath upon the innocent citizens of this once great metropolis.

I have faced many adversaries in my time as Batman Returns RP, but none quite as devious and cunning as Oswald Cobblepot. He may appear to be nothing more than a grotesque figure from the depths of the sewers, but beneath that monstrous exterior lies a mind twisted by hatred and a desire for vengeance.

The events leading up to this moment have been building like a storm on the horizon. The Red Triangle Gang's attack on Gotham Plaza was just the beginning – a warning shot fired by Penguin himself. As I watched from afar, it became clear that he had set his sights on Max Shreck, one of Gotham's most powerful men.

Kidnapping Shreck was just one piece of Penguin's grand plan. With incriminating evidence in hand – evidence that could destroy Max's carefully constructed facade of respectability – Oswald forced him into compliance. It sickens me to see how easily corruption can seep into even those who claim to uphold justice.

But now, as night falls over Gotham once again, I know that it falls upon me to stop Penguin before he unleashes chaos upon us all. The people look to Batman Returns RP for protection from such threats, and I will not fail them.

Every breath brings with it an anticipation - an edge honed sharp by years spent battling villains like Cobblepot. My resolve hardens with each passing moment; there will be no mercy shown when we meet face-to-face once more.

Gotham City may shudder under its weighty burden tonight...but fear not: Batman Returns RP stands ready at its gates.