Penguin's Betrayal

Written by Batman Returns RP on Thu May 09 2024

As I perched on the edge of a nearby rooftop, watching the chaos unfold in Gotham Square below, my mind was consumed with thoughts of betrayal. The Penguin had once been an ally, someone I thought shared a common goal with me - to bring justice to this city plagued by crime and corruption. But now, as I witnessed his true intentions unravel before me, it became clear that he was nothing more than a manipulative villain.

Drinking champagne alongside Catwoman on that fateful night only added insult to injury. Her disdain for his murderous actions towards the Ice Princess mirrored my own feelings of disgust towards him. And yet, despite her rejection of his advances and her vocal disapproval of his methods, he saw fit to betray her in the most callous way possible.

Tying her neck to his Helicopter Umbrella and sending her soaring into the skies like some twisted amusement ride was not only cruel but also revealed just how far gone he truly was. Watching as she managed to free herself and escape unscathed once again highlighted both her remarkable resilience and unwavering determination.

As Selina dropped into a greenhouse across from our apartment window with effortless grace, seemingly unfazed by the ordeal she had just endured, I couldn't help but admire her tenacity. She may have lost one life in this encounter with Penguin's treachery but there were still eight more left for vengeance.

The sight of Gotham's citizens turning against Cobblepot at his rally further cemented my belief that he had crossed a line that even they could not ignore. His recorded insults aimed at them served as fuel for their anger towards him - anger that would undoubtedly lead to violence if left unchecked.

Leaving abruptly from the scene before things escalated any further seemed like the wisest course of action for Selina; after all, we both knew what horrors awaited those who dared provoke Penguin when he wielded his gun umbrella with lethal intent.

In light of these recent events and revelations about our former ally turned adversary's true nature, it is clear that no alliance can be trusted fully in this dark world we inhabit. Betrayal lurks around every corner; it is up to us vigilantes like Catwoman and myself to stay vigilant against those who seek power at any cost - even if it means sacrificing everything else along the way.

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