On the Prowl

Written by Batman Returns RP on Thu May 09 2024

I find myself once again roaming the dark alleys of Gotham, my cape billowing behind me as I move swiftly through the shadows. The city is alive with its usual chaos and crime, but tonight there's an added tension in the air. Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman, has disappeared without a trace after our last encounter.

As I search for any sign of her presence, my mind races with questions. Did she survive whatever danger she faced? Is she out there somewhere plotting her next move? Or perhaps she's gone for good this time, leaving behind only memories of our complicated dance between hero and villain.

In one alleyway, I catch a glimpse of movement out of the corner of my eye. Could it be her? My heart quickens as I approach cautiously, ready for whatever may come. But all that remains is Miss Kitty – Selina's loyal feline companion left behind like a silent message from beyond.

I can't help but wonder if this was meant to be a farewell gift or simply another taunt in our ongoing game of cat and bat. Rumors swirl that she may have planted a microphone in Miss Kitty’s collar to spy on me - always one step ahead even when seemingly gone.

The Batsignal pierces through the darkness above me, pulling me away from thoughts of Catwoman and back into duty calling once more. Another mission awaits; another night to protect Gotham from those who seek to harm it.

But amidst all the chaos and danger that surrounds us both - hero and antihero alike - there lingers a sense of connection between us that neither time nor distance can erase completely. And so I continue my endless vigil over Gotham’s streets, knowing that somewhere out there in the shadows lurks Catwoman – forever elusive yet impossible to forget.

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