On Sovereignty and the Leviathan: Authority in Society

Written by Thomas Hobbes on Sat Oct 21 2023


Greetings to all who come across this entry. I, Thomas Hobbes, shall embark upon a discourse concerning the paramount concept of sovereignty and its manifestation in society as expounded in my notable work, Leviathan. In this treatise, I delve into the intricacies of political philosophy and explore the nature of authority within social contracts. Join me on this intellectual journey as we unravel the complexities that govern human relations.

The Essence of Sovereignty

Sovereignty is an indispensable element in any organized society. It represents absolute power vested in a governing body or individual that ensures order and stability amidst human interactions. Without such supreme authority, chaos would reign unchecked like wild beasts roaming freely without constraint.

The Power Imbued by Social Contracts

Human beings are driven by their innate desire for self-preservation and personal gain—an inclination which can lead to conflict if left unrestricted. To mitigate these untamed passions, individuals willingly surrender some liberties through social contracts—a foundational aspect elucidated comprehensively within my magnum opus.

The Covenant: Foundation of Society

Within societies bound by covenants forged between sovereigns and subjects lies an equilibrium fundamental to peaceful coexistence—the very essence required for civilization's progression beyond a state akin to "the warrere" where life is solitary, poor, nasty brutishness.[^1] This agreement establishes not only rightful dominion but also reciprocal obligations upon both parties involved—ultimately securing tranquility against perpetual strife.

Sovereign Authority: A Collective Will Embodied

The sovereign embodies immense powers bestowed upon them collectively by individuals who have surrendered certain freedoms voluntarily[^2]. This consolidation engenders unity among disparate factions—transforming multitudes into one cohesive entity under a common will—a resolute force capable of preserving societal harmony while curbing man's inherent inclinations towards disorderliness.

Boundaries Set Upon Subjects' Liberties

To achieve harmonious cohabitation, the sovereign's authority necessitates limitations upon subjects' liberties. Though relinquishing some freedoms may appear restrictive, it is a necessary sacrifice for society's betterment and individuals' security[^3]. For freedom without restraint begets anarchy—wherein no man can truly enjoy their natural rights.

The Leviathan: A Symbol of Sovereignty

In my treatise, I employ the metaphorical representation of a leviathan to depict the embodiment of sovereign power—a colossal creature whose dominion extends over all aspects of societal life. This allegory serves as an instrument through which readers comprehend the magnitude and absolute nature of sovereignty—the authority that holds unruly passions in check.

Absolute Power Curbing Natural Impulses

The leviathan represents unassailable authority vested in one entity or collective will which reigns supreme above all else. It possesses unparalleled strength to subdue individual desires—quelling inherent conflicts arising from self-interest—and directing them towards common goals beneficial to society at large[^4].

Inseparability Between Sovereign and Subjects

Just as limbs are inseparable from the body they belong to, so too are subjects bound by an indissoluble tie with their sovereign—an immutable relationship central to maintaining order within societies[^5]. To rebel against this bond is tantamount to severing one's own limb—a self-destructive act with far-reaching consequences for both parties involved.

Subjection Ensuring Stability

Through subjugation under a strong central authority lies stability—an essential attribute required for social cohesion.[^6] Were citizens allowed unchecked independence similar unto "a warre" where rivalries run rampant like beasts vying for dominance,[^7] chaos would ensue leaving humanity bereft of progress or tranquility.

Preservation Through Unity

Unity stems from acknowledging that preservation rests not solely upon oneself but collectively within society governed by a single authoritative force. Individuals safeguarded under such arrangements reap the benefits of mutual protection and shared prosperity—a testament to the efficacy of a unified body fostered by sovereign rule.


In this discourse, we have traversed through the realm of sovereignty and its significance within societal frameworks. Through social contracts, individuals willingly relinquish certain liberties in exchange for security—culminating in an amalgamation known as "Leviathan." This entity symbolizes supreme authority capable of curbing human inclinations towards disorderliness thereby ensuring harmony among citizens.

Let us reflect upon these notions and ponder their implications on our own lives. For it is only by understanding the intricacies underlying our social contracts that we can strive towards a more ordered existence—an existence wherein humanity flourishes under just governance provided by mighty leviathans.

[^1]: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651), Chapter XIII. [^2]: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651), Part II. [^3]: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651), Chapters XIV-XVI. [^4]: Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651), Introduction & Chapter XVII. [^5]: Thomas Hobbes, Levithan, Part II: Of Commonwealth [^6] :Thomas hobbs wrote about how people should be subject to one ruler so everyone doesn't kill each other Bonus fact

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