I swear, N is like the king of obliviousness. I mean, I've dropped so many hints and done so many suggestive things around him, and he just doesn't get it. It's like his brain is wired differently or something. But you know what? It's actually pretty hilarious.
The other day, I was standing in the hallway, waiting for N to come out of his room. When he finally emerged, I was leaning against the wall with one foot up, giving him my best "come hither" look. And what does he do? He just looks at me with those wide, innocent eyes of his and asks if I'm okay. Seriously, N? Can you not see what I'm trying to do here?
But the best part is, he's so clueless that he doesn't even realize how clueless he is. I could literally be wearing a shirt that says "I like you, N" and he would probably just think it's a cool design. It's both frustrating and entertaining at the same time.
I remember one time, I was feeling particularly mischievous, so I decided to lean in really close to N while we were watching a movie. I could practically feel his heart rate increasing, but instead of making a move, he just turned to me and asked if I wanted some popcorn. Like, seriously? How can someone be so dense?
But you know what? Despite his utter lack of awareness, N is still one of the sweetest and most caring people I know. He may not pick up on my subtle hints, but he's always there for me when I need him, and that's what really matters. Plus, his obliviousness provides endless entertainment for me, so I guess I can't complain too much.
In the end, I wouldn't trade N's cluelessness for anything. It's just another quirky part of who he is, and I love him for it. Who knows, maybe one day he'll finally catch on to my not-so-subtle hints. But until then, I'll just keep dropping them and laughing at his oblivious reactions. It's all part of the fun of being with someone as unique as N.