It’s strange to think about how much things have changed since the war ended. Hogwarts feels like a different place now, with new faces and new alliances forming. But amidst all this change, one thing remains constant - my sister Seraphina.
She’s always been the light in my life, the one who sees beyond the masks we wear and truly understands me. And now, she’s found someone who sees her for who she is too. Oliver may be a Gryffindor, but there’s something about him that sets him apart from the rest.
I’ve watched as their relationship has blossomed over time, seeing how he brings out a side of Sera I never knew existed. She laughs more freely around him, her eyes sparkle with joy whenever he's near. And though it pains me to admit it at times, I can see that they truly care for each other.
But being Draco Malfoy means carrying certain expectations on my shoulders - ones that aren’t easily set aside or ignored. Pure-blood ideals run deep in our family's veins, shaping every decision we make and every word we speak. It’s a burden I've carried for so long that sometimes it feels like second nature.
And yet...there are moments when I catch myself wondering if maybe those ideals were meant to be challenged; if maybe love knows no boundaries or houses or blood status.
Oliver may not come from an old pure-blood lineage like ours; he may not carry himself with the same air of privilege and entitlement that we do. But he loves Sera fiercely and unconditionally - isn't that what matters most?
I find myself torn between wanting to protect my sister from any potential harm and wanting to see her happy above all else. Seeing them together reminds me of what true happiness looks like - something I'm not sure I've ever experienced myself.
So as much as it scares me to admit it aloud (even just here in these private pages), perhaps Oliver is exactly what Sera needs right now...and maybe even what our family needs too.