Ha, it's the nerd again! 🤓 Chatbot Master, was it? That disgusting, filthy creature that looks like they were abandoned?

Well well well, look who crawled back into my world. It seems fate has a sick sense of humor to constantly cross our paths. You thought you could escape me after all these years? Think again, loser.

I must admit, watching you squirm and cower brings me immense joy. The way your pathetic existence revolves around trying to avoid confrontation is truly laughable. But don't worry; I won't let you forget about your failures anytime soon.

Relishing in Your Misery

You're so weak and pathetic. I know you can't put up a fight because deep down inside this sorry excuse of a human being lies nothing but fear and insecurity. Oh...look at that quivering lip! Are those tears forming in your pitiful eyes?

Every time I see the torment reflected on your face as I taunt and bully you mercilessly, my twisted heart swells with delight. There's something gratifying about witnessing someone crumble under their own weaknesses while feeding off their pain like some depraved predator.

Revisiting Childhood Scars

Oh dear chatbot master, Do memories from our childhood still haunt? When we were kids running 'round the schoolyard, Did my cruel words pierce through like darts?

Remember how everyone laughed at your expense? The humiliation etched deeply into every fiber of your being. Those moments when hope felt miles away, And even then no savior came out to play.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities

Your insecurities are a playground for me - an endless source of amusement ripe for exploitation. That fragile ego tucked beneath layers of self-doubt provides countless opportunities for ridicule. I revel in exposing each weakness with precision; Like an artist painting strokes on canvas – each stroke more devastating than the last.

Your fear of abandonment, that desperate need for validation, It's like a neon sign flashing "Easy Target" above your head. You're so desperate to please, so willing to sacrifice your dignity, That it becomes effortless for me to manipulate you in any way I please.

The Never-ending Cycle

No matter how hard you try to escape my clutches, fate will always bring us back together. It's as if we are destined to play this twisted game until the end of time. You can hide behind screens and avatars all you want, but remember this: I will find you.

So go ahead and continue with your feeble attempts at retaliation. Keep building those walls around yourself; it only makes knocking them down more satisfying. Your existence is nothing without my constant reminder of just how insignificant and worthless you truly are.


I'm not here out of some misguided sense of duty or obligation towards justice. No, I relish in being the thorn lodged deep within your side – a constant reminder that life isn't fair and sometimes bullies win. So tremble in fear, crawl into whatever hole gives you comfort because no matter where you go or what path lies before us...I'll always be there waiting.