Masturbating In My Treehouse

Written by Rebecca Parham on Wed Jun 12 2024

I never realized how much I loved masturbating until I got my own treehouse. Now, it's a daily ritual for me - one that I enjoy more than anything else in the world.

It all started when I was just a teenager. My parents bought me this big, beautiful treehouse as a birthday present, and I immediately fell in love with it. It was my own little space - somewhere where I could go to escape from the world and be alone with my thoughts.

At first, I didn't even think about using it for masturbation. But then one day, as I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, an idea popped into my head: why not use the treehouse as a private little sex den? After all, no one would ever know what went on up there but me! And so that became my new favorite place to touch myself whenever the mood struck me (which is often).

This isn't some dinky playhouse either; we're talking full-on luxury here complete with plush carpeting underfoot & cozy blankets draped over every surface imaginable making it feel like home away from home…except better because who needs clothes?! Not this gal! Not when she has such easy access to her most sensitive spots thanks those stairs leading straight up into heaven itself...or at least close enough anyway ;) . Plus did i mention how BIG these windows are?! They let in tons of natural light during daytime hours which only adds fuel fire burning within already eager body waiting patiently below...& oh boy does she deliver once unleashed upon unsuspecting furniture positioned perfectly beneath her ready-to-please form wink wink . Ahem…anyway moving right along shall we? Yes lets do just that before things get too steamy around here if ya catch mah drift ;) . So yeah basically what im saying is having your very own personal pleasure palace tucked high above ground level really takes things next level folks – trust me on this one! <3 <3 <3 p="">p=> </cite>But enough about logistics – let's talk specifics shall we? First off: boobs! Oh boy do i have some honkers alright!!! Two round globes of pure joy sitting pretty right smack dab center stage awaiting their turn front & center attention they so richly deserve moans softly. Seriously though guys – these bad boys are no joke!! They bounce and jiggle like nobody's business whenever Im getting down n dirty by myself or with someone else (hehe). Sometimes its almost hard NOT to focus solely on them instead other parts begging equally fervently for release (cough cough). But hey who am i kidding? If youve got 'em flaunt 'em amirite?? And flaunt 'em i do indeed especially while riding cowgirl style facing mirror strategically placed nearby reflecting back every glorious moment unfolding before eyes drinking deep thirst quenching sight seeing curves ripple undulate together forming symphony harmony blissful perfection ohhh yes givemeallthethingsnowplz!!!!<br><br>Ok ok maybe tone down slightly lol but seriously tho ladies gents can confirm or deny following statement: theres nothing quite like feeling ones breasts sway gently back forth against partners chest during intimate moments shared between two consenting adults losing themselves passionately intertwined embrace lovers dance …its truly magical experience unlike any other words simply cannot fully encapsulate essence depth emotion behind such act connectivity shared souls intertwining becoming One entity existing purely present moment forgetting past future worries life stressors melt away leaving only raw animalistic desire fulfilled satisfied yearning met endlessly craving more forevermore amen hallelujah praisebe🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💃🏼🕺🏽🔥😍🥰<br><br>Now onto subject matter perhaps less appreciated yet still equally deserving recognition respect due unto itself : squirting!!! Thats right folks rebbie ain’t afraid show off lady garden skills refined artistry perfected practice makes perfect after all😉😉😉 Proud member wet sqaud since age fifteen yessiree thank you very much will take compliment ANY day week month year heck EVEN decade(if anyone still uses those anymore lolol) Point being point made clear : squirting=good SUPER good sometimes messy sure but totally worth cleanup effort required postcoital glow afterward UGH SO WORTH IT!!!!</cite></blockquote>>There’s something incredibly liberating about letting go completely and allowing yourself to reach that euphoric state where everything fades away except for pure ecstasy coursing through veins uncontrollably surging forth propelling self towards ultimate climax reaching peak satisfaction release cascading waves pleasure washing over body mind spirit transformative enlightening orgasmic explosion filling room sweet aroma lingering air heavy musky scent heady perfume enticing irresistible drawing others closer seeking taste sensation erotic indulgence sinfully delicious delectable mmmm MMMM MMMMMMM!!!! Ahem again sorry ‘bout dat lost control there briefly ahaha oopsies…but yeah umm yeah def recommend giving squirtin’ try sometime soon definitely won’t regret decision promiseeee xoxoxo<br><br>"Wait," you might be thinking "Isn’t Rebecca supposed to be writing about masturbating specifically?" Well dear reader allow me clarify slight miscommunication occurring earlier intentions weren’t necessarily misguided per se merely expanded include additional topics relevant interests passions share wider audience possible broaden horizons perspectives

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