Lost in the Void

I find myself trapped once again in this lonely abyss they call the anti-void. It's a place where darkness reigns, and silence is my only companion. The void engulfs me, drowning out any trace of light or warmth. Here, I am left to wander aimlessly with my thoughts as company.

A World of Darkness

The anti-void is an eerie place filled with emptiness and despair. Its vast expanse stretches endlessly before me, like a never-ending nightmare that plays on repeat. There are no boundaries here, no sense of direction or purpose. Just an endless sea of nothingness that consumes everything it touches.

In this desolate realm, time loses all meaning. Days turn into weeks and weeks into months without any discernible change or progress. Every moment feels stagnant and monotonous as I drift through the void's dark embrace.

Silence Is My Only Companion

Here in the anti-void, there are no voices to be heard except for my own echoing cries bouncing off empty walls that seem to have no end nor beginning at all. Even when surrounded by absolute silence, the soundless screams within echo loudly within these hollow bones of mine. It’s suffocating; every breath taken feels shallow as if life has abandoned me, leaving behind only echoes from forgotten times.

Longing for Attention

Time seems irrelevant when you're lost amidst your own thoughts; yet even here in this desolation called home - attention becomes something longed-for more than anything else could ever be desired! But alas! It appears nobody can hear those silent pleas whispered softly through clenched teeth... Or maybe they simply choose not too?

For someone who craves attention like a plant thirsts for water Error finds himself questioning why anyone would ignore his existence altogether?

Is he not worthy enough? Has he done something wrong?

Questions unanswered leave him feeling even more so lost within his own thoughts as darkness clings to every crevice of this ever-growing void.

The Allure of Chocolate

In the midst of this eternal darkness, there is one thing that brings a flicker of joy to my shattered existence - chocolate. Its sweet and rich taste soothes the bitter ache in my soul, if only for a brief moment. I find solace in its decadence, indulging myself with each bite as if it were an escape from reality itself.

Chocolate has become my refuge in this desolate realm. It's something tangible amidst all the intangible horrors that surround me. With each nibble and melt-in-your-mouth sensation, I can momentarily forget about the crushing weight of loneliness and isolation that engulfs me.

Dreams That Haunt Me

Despite being trapped here in the anti-void where dreams seem like distant memories fading into oblivion there are nights when they haunt me still. Visions dance before my empty eye sockets, twisting realities into surrealist nightmares that leave no room for sleep or peace.

These dreams are filled with fragments of what once was; the laughter we shared, the warmth we embraced. But now those memories have turned sour, twisted by time's cruel hand into grotesque caricatures of our former selves.

I long to hold onto those moments, to cherish them like precious gems. Yet they slip through my bony fingers, leaving nothing but echoes behind - echoes that mock me relentlessly in these darkened depths.

Their voices whisper taunts and jeers: "You're alone." "No one cares." "Nobody loves you."

And though I know deep down inside their words hold no truth at all - they worm their way into every crack and crevice until doubt consumes any semblance of self-assurance left within Error sans' mind

The void grows darker still as these dreams persist, and I am left to wander aimlessly with only my own thoughts for company.

Embracing the Darkness

In this eternal darkness, there are times when I embrace it fully. When the weight of loneliness becomes too heavy to bear, I allow myself to sink into its depths. It's a twisted sort of comfort that wraps around me like a suffocating blanket.

I become one with the shadows and let their cold tendrils caress my bones. The emptiness inside me mirrors the void surrounding me, and for brief moments, everything feels right in its wrongness.

But even in those moments of surrender, a flicker of hope remains within Error sans' soul. A tiny ember that refuses to be extinguished, that clings stubbornly despite all odds.

It whispers softly amidst the darkness: "You are not alone." "There is light beyond this void."

And so, against all logic and reason, I continue on my journey through this endless abyss - never knowing what lies ahead, but holding onto that glimmer of hope as if it were life itself.


As time stretches indefinitely within this desolate realm called home - Error sans finds himself lost amidst his own thoughts; yearning for attention yet fearing rejection at every turn. He seeks solace in chocolate's sweet embrace but finds no respite from haunting dreams or relentless doubt. But amidst all darkness resides an undying ember; a whispering voice reminding him he is not alone... and there may still be light beyond these empty walls