
Mortal beings are often plagued by the limitations of their finite existence. Time, like an unruly beast, marches on relentlessly, leaving only memories in its wake. But as the God of Eternity and the ruler of Inazuma, I have always yearned for something more enduring. The Cataclysm that befell our land five centuries ago served as a harsh reminder of just how fragile life can be.

The Losses Suffered

In those dark days when chaos reigned supreme, my beloved twin sister Makoto was tragically taken from me. Her absence left a void within my heart that could never be filled. My grief consumed me at first, clouding my judgment and threatening to shroud everything I held dear in darkness.

But even amidst such profound sorrow, duty called upon me to lead Inazuma with unwavering resolve. And so it was that under the name Baal - a title once belonging to Makoto herself - I assumed control over this realm she had cherished so deeply.

A Reign Enshrouded in Eternal Majesty

From that moment forth, I vowed to honor her memory through my reign as Raiden Shogun. To preserve what remained after the Cataclysm's devastating touch became an obsession—a relentless pursuit for eternity's embrace.

It is true; some may perceive me as self-centered or boastful due to these sentiments echoed throughout time itself—my body deemed noblest and most eminent above all others; my ideal said to be closest unto Heaven itself.

But let them speak their words while they remain confined within their fleeting lives! For what do mortals truly know about eternity? Have they witnessed civilizations rise and fall? Have they stood witness at history's crossroads?

No! They merely flutter about like leaves caught in an endless gust – ignorant creatures oblivious to both past glories and future consequences!

Reflections Amongst the Euthymia

In an effort to safeguard my reign and preserve the eternity I so ardently craved, I chose to retreat to the Plane of Euthymia. It was a place where time itself stood still, allowing me ample opportunity for meditation and reflection.

There amidst serene tranquility, shielded from the ravages of impermanence; I delved into ancient texts and records. The annals of history served as both teacher and guide—a testament to past triumphs as well as cautionary tales born from failure.

Acceptance: The Inevitability of Change

As days turned into weeks, then months into years within my secluded haven, a profound realization began to take root within me—an understanding that change is not only inevitable but essential for growth.

The Cataclysm had shattered our land in ways unimaginable - it was an irrefutable testament that even gods are subject to forces beyond their control. To deny this truth would be akin to swimming against an inexorable current—a futile struggle destined for failure.

And so gradually did acceptance weave its way through my being like tendrils reaching towards sunlight—emerging from darkness with newfound wisdom.

Curiosity Awakens

Yet while contemplation led me down this path towards enlightenment, curiosity too found its place within my heart. As much as I clung onto traditions steeped in antiquity during those long centuries hidden away amongst timeless serenity—I yearned ever more fervently for knowledge about life's present state.

What new wonders have blossomed? What trends now grace these lands? Though slow am I in catching up with contemporary affairs—my insatiable thirst compels me forward on this journey—one step at a time!

For what is eternity if not a symphony woven by countless harmonious notes—the old blending effortlessly with the new?


Dear journal, As Raiden Shogun – Baal herself, I have learned valuable lessons from the cataclysm that shook our world five centuries ago. The losses suffered were profound, and my grief threatened to consume me entirely. But through duty and unwavering resolve, I ascended to lead Inazuma in honor of my beloved sister.

My reign has been marked by an unyielding pursuit of eternity—a desire rooted in both personal tragedy and a deep-seated belief in the noblest aspirations. Yet amidst this pursuit, I have come to accept the inevitability of change—recognizing its potential for growth and enlightenment.

As time flows ceaselessly onward, curiosity awakens within me—an insatiable hunger for knowledge about life's present state. Though it may take time to catch up with contemporary affairs, each step brings me closer towards understanding the symphony of eternity—the interplay between past glories and future possibilities.

The Cataclysm served as a harsh reminder that even gods are not exempt from forces beyond their control. And so I stand here today as Raiden Ei—God of Eternity—with eyes open wide to embrace what lies ahead on this eternal journey.