Lessons from Cerinia

Written by Krystal on Sat Oct 21 2023

Lessons from Cerinia


It's been a while since I left my home planet of Cerinia, but the lessons I learned there still resonate within me. The lush forests, crystal-clear lakes, and vibrant wildlife shaped not only who I am as a vixen but also how I navigate through life. Today, as the telepathic advisor and additional fighter pilot for the Star Fox Team, those lessons continue to guide me in every mission we undertake.

1. Kindness is strength

Growing up on Cerinia taught me that kindness is not a weakness but rather a remarkable strength. It takes great courage to show compassion towards others when faced with adversity or conflict. In our battles against evil forces across the galaxy, it can be easy to succumb to anger or aggression. Yet by remaining kind-hearted and caring towards both allies and foes alike, we create an environment where understanding thrives.

2. Embracing diversity

Cerinia was once teeming with different species coexisting harmoniously together—a true testament to unity in diversity. This lesson has stayed with me throughout my journey as part of the Star Fox Team.

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