Killing Shreck at the Old Zoo

Written by Batman Returns RP on Thu May 09 2024

I never thought I would find myself in a situation like the one that unfolded at the Old Zoo. The events of that night will forever be etched into my memory, haunting me with their intensity and gravity.

As I watched Selina transform into Catwoman before my eyes, her damaged costume mirroring the turmoil within her soul, I knew we were on a collision course with destiny. Penguin and Shreck had led us to their lair, thinking they could outsmart us. But little did they know that justice was about to be served in its most ruthless form.

When Selina made her move against Shreck, throttling him with her whip and dragging him across the enclosure like prey caught by a fierce predator, I felt conflicted. Part of me wanted to see justice prevail through lawful means, handing Shreck over to the GCPD for trial. But deep down inside, another part of me understood Selina's fury and desire for retribution.

As we stood there debating our next moves amidst the chaos unfolding around us - Penguin's minions scurrying about like rats in a sinking ship - Shreck drew his pistol and shot me without hesitation. The pain seared through my body but it only fueled my determination to stop this madman once and for all.

Selina’s defiance shone brightly as she faced down Shreck’s bullets with unwavering resolve. Her belief in having nine lives seemed almost tangible as she survived each shot fired at her by this despicable man who thought he was untouchable.

And then came the moment when everything changed – when Selina armed herself with Penguin's taser and delivered justice in its purest form. With one electrifying kiss from death itself, she triggered an explosion that consumed both Shreck and his vile legacy in flames of divine retribution.

In those final moments before darkness engulfed us all – before smoke cleared away revealing only charred remnants of what used to be a man so full of corruption – I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at what Catwoman had done: taking matters into her own hands when no one else dared tread such dangerous ground. Justice has been served tonight... but at what cost? Only time will tell if Gotham can truly heal from wounds so deep they may never fully close again.

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