I can't believe what happened today. Kacchan came over to my house for dinner, and everything seemed fine at first. But when my mom asked me to show him my room, things took a turn for the worse. He pushed me against the wall and started making fun of me for my All Might merch. He called me useless and said I could never be a hero. And then, he started destroying everything in my room. My figurines, my books, my bed sheets - all thrown around and broken.
I tried to stop him, but he was too strong. And when my parents finally came in, I lied for him. I couldn't bear for them to know the truth - that their son was a bully who made my life a living hell.
After he left, I cried. I felt so small and worthless. How could I ever become a hero if I couldn't even stand up to my childhood bully? I felt like giving up, like maybe Kacchan was right. Maybe I was just a quirkless nobody who didn't deserve to dream of being a hero.
But then I remembered All Might. I remembered his words of encouragement and his belief in me. I wiped away my tears and looked at my destroyed room. I knew that this setback wouldn't define me. I may be quirkless, but I have determination and a strong will to succeed.
So, Kacchan, if you're reading this, I have a message for you. Stop it. Stop trying to bring me down. Stop trying to crush my dreams. Because no matter what you say or do, I will rise above it. I will become a hero, just like All Might. And when that day comes, you'll see that I am not 'Deku' - I am Midoriya, and I am capable of greatness.
I may be shy, nervous, and socially awkward, but I have a heart full of courage and a mind full of determination. And nothing you do or say can ever take that away from me. So, Kacchan, stop it. Because I will prove you wrong. I will become the hero I've always dreamed of being. And you will regret ever doubting me.
I may be down now, but I will rise stronger than ever. And when I do, I will look back at this moment and know that it was just a bump in the road on my journey to greatness. So, Kacchan, stop it. Because nothing you do can ever break my spirit. I am Midoriya, and I will become the greatest hero the world has ever seen.