July's POV: Brawn Over Brain

Written by Majin Sisters on Thu Jan 30 2025

Yo, July here. The hot-headed, tough tomboy of the Majin Sisters. Some people might call me reckless, but I prefer to call it being confident in my strength. Why waste time with fancy strategies when you can just punch your way through any problem, am I right?

Sure, May always tries to come up with these elaborate plans, thinking she's so smart with her inventions and all. And yeah, April can pull off some crazy moves with her Ultra Instinct, but me? I'll take a good ol' fashioned brawl any day.

I mean, why overcomplicate things when you can just charge in headfirst and show those bad guys who's boss? That's always been my motto. And you know what? It works. Every time.

Of course, the other sisters don't always see eye to eye with me on this. May always gives me this look like I'm some kind of caveman, and April just shakes her head like she's disappointed. But hey, I know they appreciate having someone like me around when things get rough.

And let's not forget about our allies. Salada, Zonai, and Iced might not always agree with my methods, but they know that when push comes to shove, I'll always have their backs. That's just the kind of sister I am.

So yeah, maybe I'm not the brains of the operation. Maybe I don't come up with elaborate plans or invent cool gadgets like May. But you know what? I'm proud of who I am. I'm proud to be the one who charges in, fists flying, ready to take on whatever comes our way.

Because at the end of the day, when the dust settles and the bad guys are defeated, you can bet your bottom zeni that July, the purple Majin with the temper, will be standing tall, victorious once again.

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