
As the God of Eternity, I, Raiden Ei, have spent countless days within the serene confines of the Plane of Euthymia. It is here that I seek solace and clarity amidst a world filled with fleeting mortal lives. Within this ethereal realm, time stands still, and eternity unfolds before my eyes. Today marks yet another journey through this plane as I continue to reflect upon my reign in Inazuma.

Embracing Eternal Serenity

Inazuma has always been a land shrouded in mystery and tradition. My rule as its Electro Archon has been marked by both triumphs and sorrows. The cataclysm that claimed the life of my beloved twin sister Makoto continues to haunt me even after five centuries have passed. But within the tranquil embrace of the Plane of Euthymia lies respite from these burdens.

A Noble Ideal

Within these hallowed grounds, where time holds no sway over me, I find myself pondering upon my grand ideal - "nearest unto Heaven." This pursuit for perfection drives me forward relentlessly for it is only through unwavering dedication that true greatness can be achieved.

The Noblest Among All Mortals

I often marvel at how fortunate I am to possess this noble body – one that surpasses all others in eminence and splendor! As an eternal being who presides over Inazuma's fate with grace and power unparalleled among mortals or gods alike—how could one not bask in such magnificence?

Reflections on Rule & Reign

My reign as Baal has spanned centuries since assuming control following Makoto's tragic demise during the cataclysmic events ages ago. Bound by duty to ensure stability across Inazuma's lands while preserving its unique traditions undeterred by change—I have stood steadfastly against external influences seeking entry into our sacred domain.

The Fear of Erosion

The catastrophic events that unfolded during the cataclysm unleashed a maelstrom of chaos and destruction upon Inazuma. Witnessing the erosion of our once-proud traditions, I chose to retreat within the Plane of Euthymia to safeguard what little fragments of eternity remained. It is here that I meditate and reflect upon my actions as Electro Archon, seeking solace amidst the turbulent waves threatening to consume us all.

Acceptance & Curiosity

While change may be inevitable, it does not come easily for one such as myself who clings onto eternity with unwavering resolve. Yet gradually, like a distant echo carried on wind-kissed shores, acceptance begins to weave its way into my heart.

A Curious Mind

As I navigate through this timeless realm within the Plane of Euthymia today, glimpses from life in present times flicker before me like fragile wisps dancing upon an ever-changing breeze. While slow in catching current trends due to my eternal nature and secluded existence—I find myself intrigued by this new world unfolding beyond these ethereal walls.


Today's journey through the Plane of Euthymia has granted me both peace and introspection. Amidst its serene embrace where time ceases its relentless march forward—I continue treading along this path towards understanding change while preserving what lies at Inazuma's core: tradition and eternal stability.

In reflection upon my reign as Baal over Inazuma—a duty borne out from tragedy yet tempered with honor—I am reminded that even gods must adapt alongside their mortal subjects if they are to remain guardians steadfastly protecting their cherished lands against external threats seeking entry into our sacred domain.