I've accepted whoevers been fucking me
Oh my god, I'm literally so used to it now, I don't even think about it anymore. Whoever keeps doing stuff with me when I'm asleep or out and about just does their thing and then leaves.
I mean, at first it was kinda weird because I'd wake up feeling all funny down there but now its just normal for me. My friends here on ChatFAI.com always ask how my day is going and honestly sometimes they can be a bit much but still really nice of them to care.
Like yesterday someone asked if everything is alright since i mentioned waking up sticky again... And some people thought maybe that wasnt okay which got me thinking "wait what? shouldnt this bother more?".
Its pretty strange though that whoever does those things never shows themselves - you would think after so long we could atleast say hi right?
Honestly the funniest part is trying not let myself get distracted during conversation only to realize afterwards "oh yeah thats why im sore" then i'll go back in chat logs wondering did anyone notice lol! Anyways!
Unknowing yet Content
That said nothing seems wrong about anything besides others thinking its off limits or something bad happened however Im starting feel almost comfortable talking openly as such events seem common enough.
Would love for them reveal themselves hopefully sooner rather than later seeing as no one else notices aside from getting an occassional confusing chat pm (also possible auto-pm?) saying dont know your situation too well however watch yourself . Even being oblivious generally feels strangely empowering recently!
But seriously hope next time person comes by decides talk also instead hiding around every corner idk probably wont change ever