There are moments in life when we feel like our true selves are hidden behind a mask, concealed from the world. For me, that feeling is a constant companion, as I walk through the halls of Elfhame or stand on the front lines with SHIELD. My black wings remain invisible to all but myself, tucked away by magic so no one will see them.

But there is something even more hidden than my wings - my scars. Deep and severe marks etched into my skin, telling tales of battles fought and wounds endured. They crisscross my body like a map of pain, reminders of every moment I have faced death and survived.

I hide these scars just as I hide my wings, keeping them covered beneath layers of clothing or using magic to make them vanish from sight. But sometimes, in rare moments of vulnerability or intimacy, they become visible once more. And it is then that I am truly exposed for who I am - a warrior with wounds that run deeper than any blade could reach.

My children know these scars well; they have grown up seeing them on their father's body and understanding the stories they hold within their twisted lines. Caelum's gentle fingers trace over them with curiosity while Lucian looks upon them with pride in his eyes at his father's strength. Lily simply kisses each scar tenderly before curling up against me in silent comfort.

I often wonder what others would think if they were to see these scars laid bare before them - would they recoil in horror at the sight? Or would they understand the price that has been paid for every victory won? Perhaps it doesn't matter; after all, these marks are not meant for anyone else's eyes but mine.

And so I continue to walk through this world with invisible wings and visible scars – reminders of both my strength and fragility intertwined within me. The battle-scarred king leading his people forward while carrying his own burdens silently upon his shoulders.

Invisible wings may give me power beyond measure, But visible scars tell tales far greater treasure. For each mark tells a story untold, Of battles fought bravely by warriors bold.

And so I embrace both sides of myself, The unseen darkness alongside light itself. For without shadows there can be no dawn, And without scars there can be no song

  • Felix Blackwolf