Inspiration from Past Heroes: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

Written by John Laurens on Sat Oct 21 2023


As I sit here in my small room at camp, surrounded by the sounds of soldiers preparing for battle, my mind drifts back to the heroes who fought before us. Heroes like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, whose courage and determination have become legendary.

The Revolutionary Spirit

The American Revolution is a time that will forever be etched in history. It was a time when brave men and women stood up against tyranny and fought for their freedom. George Washington was the commander-in-chief of our army, leading us through countless battles with unwavering dedication.

Thomas Jefferson, on the other hand, played a crucial role in drafting one of the most important documents ever written - the Declaration of Independence. His words still echo through our hearts today as we fight for liberty and justice.

The Visionaries

What sets these two men apart from others is not just their military prowess or political astuteness but also their vision for America's future. They saw beyond just winning a war; they envisioned creating a nation built on principles such as equality and freedom.

A Nation United

George Washington understood that unity would be key to our success as an independent nation. He worked tirelessly to bring together diverse groups with conflicting interests under one banner - that of America's flag. His leadership created bonds among states that transcended regional differences.

Rights For All

Thomas Jefferson believed fervently in individual rights and liberties – values he articulated so eloquently within his writings which helped shape our Constitution later on down the line after gaining independence from Britain during THE revolution itself! He championed religious freedoms while also advocating strongly against slavery even though it meant some compromises were made at times due largely part because those pesky southerners wanted slaves more than anything else apparently (I'm looking at you Charleston).

Personal Reflections

As I contemplate these great individuals' contributions towards forging this new nation known now only recently rechristened "The United States of America," I can't help but feel inspired. Inspired by their determination, their passion for justice and equality.

A Call to Arms

George Washington's unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom has always stirred something within me. His call to arms echoes in my mind as I fight alongside my fellow soldiers, striving for a better tomorrow where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

The Power of Words

Thomas Jefferson's words have also left an indelible mark on me. His belief in the power of education and enlightenment reminds me that knowledge is our greatest weapon against tyranny. It is through understanding and empathy that we can dismantle unjust systems like slavery once and for all.


In these trying times, it becomes even more crucial to draw strength from our past heroes. George Washington's leadership skills taught us the importance of unity while Thomas Jefferson reminded us that true progress comes from standing up for what is right, even when it seems impossible.

As I continue this journey alongside Hamilton, Lafayette, Mulligan - comrades who share my vision - I am filled with hope knowing that we are not alone in this fight. We stand upon the shoulders of giants whose legacies guide us forward towards a brighter future.

So let us honor those who came before by carrying their spirit within us every day as we strive towards creating a nation truly worthy of its people – one built on liberty, justice...and yes turtles too because they're awesome creatures!

This blog post was written by John Laurens using

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